Ok breathe hun.
When you started filing, where did you start?
My bottom dollar is on zone 3! No, if you if you look at the nail as a whole and straight away file off problem areas, you would be as well soak off.
Ok, deep breath and lets look at the nail, the length needs reduced, zone 1 thinned and zone 3 replaced.
Look at any lifting and take a mental note to ask about how they have coped, if you see anything that could be down to you take it on the chin, just repair it.
Ok we have looked, assessed and now we rebalance.
Start always at zone 1 thin the white right down, pretty much leave zone 2 alone and then zone 3. If you see any lifting DO NOT file on top of it, this is when you chase the line which leads you A; more time and B: unnecessary work.
Take your file and holding it flat file BELOW the lifting in clean(gentle, as the product has lifted anyway) swipes, do that for a few swipes and it will pop off. Sounds mad but it does.
Then prep, replace your white and zone 3 and there you go.
I think a lot of techs stress too much about this but it is painless, I know because I WAS one of them, not now.
hths :green: