Feeding my baby


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If you have a sling they are great for discreetly feeding, I remember walking around town with my first feeding in the sling, no one noticed as a browsed the shops! :) xx
I agree with blooming nails, once u feed once in public you realise not many people notice. If you wear a vest top under another top u can lift the top pull down vest top and ur covered up except for nipple for feeding. I found expressing ok but very hard for baby to take from mum when they would rather feed straight from the breast. What she is your baby? I would say take a couple if 3oz bottles if he's a snacker, mi e two were and I always put milk into 3 oz milk freezer bags. Xxxx

Lol, you beat me to it about a vest top etc! Cardi's and long shirts hide everything too!
Hi there! Have you heard of the Breast Vest??

Takes too long to explain here but google it and see:) I had one in black and one in white. They allow you to breast feed discretely in any kind of top you're wearing and I swore by them :)

Hi there! Have you heard of the Breast Vest??

Takes too long to explain here but google it and see:) I had one in black and one in white. They allow you to breast feed discretely in any kind of top you're wearing and I swore by them :)


This sounded interesting so had a look. I may be wrong but I can only see that it really hides your tummy and you still need to expose your breasts? I would just wear my bump band for that? I found layering the best, a vest top with a loose shirt or something over the top. I've got a cover thing but not sure i like it. Any other suggestions welcome. The other breastfeeding tops look very mumsy x
You can buy feeding friendly vests.... They have clips like a nursing bra so you expose one boob only...

I used these and always had a scarf/muslin to drape over from my shoulder to give a little more privacy.... Honestly once you do it a few times you will not even give it a second thought.... Xx
Hiya I have a 5 week old baby and totally understand where your coming from.... But it's not that bad I promise!
Regarding expressing, my mw told me that it's best to avoid combining bottle and boob until at least 8 weeks old as some babies get fussy, prefer bottle as its easier and may stop feeding from the breast...I was also advised when expressing to either do after a bath or after a feed from the unused breast.
Avent do great little storage pots (I think about £9 for 10) that you can pop in the fridge or freeze.

I totally get you and your other half both want the feeding experience, I know mine feels slightly left out so I feed and he winds :)

I tend to feed my bubba before going out and to be honest I've been lucky that 99% of the time he falls asleep in the car and pram for ages.

However I purchased a coverup from John Lewis and its the best thing ever, it's like an apron with a "hoop " in the top I can see in to my baby (his also a messy and fiddly pup)...I'll
Try and post a pic for you as tht has been a godsend.
I've used mainly at home when we have had visitors and tbh they have assumed the baby is in his cot. They get a shock when I lift up up and the baby's there lol.
It's been perfect when I've been out too just hook over ur head, pop baby under and arrange him by looking into the hoop!
Once you have done it once out its easier the next time and the time after 😃
Maby do like others have suggested and go to child friendly cafe/close to mothercare etc at first to get you into the swing of things:)
Good luck an let us know how u get on
Firstly congratulations :) Breastfeeding is such a lovely experience and baby is getting sooooooo much goodness from you so well done you... I used to find expressing a faff and just fed mine out in public, no one ever noticed and I have HH boobs!! So I used to use breastfeeding tops, with a muslin on my shoulder ready for spit ups and on my tummy ready for milk drops, I swore by them, made it so easy, so east infact she fed till she was 2 ;) Starting with bottles usually means you move onto bottle feeding as they can get nipple confusion, expressing as well as breastfeeding could make you over supply which could cause you to get engorged boobs, but a good one is to pop a breastmilk bag under the boob you are not feeding from then when your let down kicks in it will get some milk in without you have to work hard (this will be the foremilk which is less fatty and acts as a thirst quencher, hence the reason breastfed babies don't need water like formula feds do) then when baby is finished feeding express of the one he fed off for a short while and you get the richer creamy fatty milk. Sorry my breastfeeding training kicks in lol!! Here are the tops xx

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Hi will probably repeat what most have said but here goes
-shopping centres and some shops have private feeding rooms
-I expressed 3 ounces into a bottle and got bags for freezing extra

-my daughter didn't mind boob or bottle or who was doing it as long as she was getting fed!

-a hot bath made my milk flow faster

-I used a hand pump as bottle
feeding wasn't essential for me so didn't need electric and there a lot more cost effective to start out with

-Most normal people would rather chance the sight of a nipple than listen to a hungry baby

-plan outings around feeds (difficult when they eat so often)

-when my daughter was older I supplemented my milk with formula as she was constantly hungry (I spoke to my health provider first)

-on the whole I wouldn't bother expressing if I had a second child boob was far easier and before long you will become a master at getting baby quickly into position

ok, here's my personal view on breastfeeding, it's quite a strong opinion, but it is just that - an opinion, I'm not criticising anyone or having a go at anyone so please do not take this personally, it's just my view!!

My daughter was bottle fed from day 1. Breastfeeding just wasnt for me, it was never even a consideration, I just couldn't, end of. My daughter was and is extremely healthy, there were no adverse effects to my decision to bottle feed.

However, quite ironically, I am probably one of the most militant pro breastfeeding women you will ever meet! It wasnt for me, that was a personal decision, but I do recognise that breast is best and totally support any woman who chooses to breastfeed. It makes me angry that in a modern society women are still made to feel indecent for feeding in public, I know times are changing, many places welcome breastfeeding mums, but it's still the case that the majority of establishments do not make it easy for ladies to feed their babies, and the attitude of some individuals is absolutely shocking! I have a friend with two babies, she breastfeeds, and she's been subjected to some awful behaviour from people in response to her feeding.

I just cant understand it. They're boobs, thats all. We all have a pair. Their purpose is to feed babies, whats indecent about that? We're not talking about women waving them around with tassles on the end, so why is there so much hostility towards women who want to feed their babies in the most natural way possible?

I know, I sound like a right militant man hating feminist, and trust me I'm really not, but I've witnessed the treatment that breastfeeding mums encounter and it makes me angry. If I was a breastfeeding mum myself I would be quite aggressive about it, I would get 'em out whenever and wherever necessary, and anyone who objected would get the sharp end of my tongue!!

Sorry OP, I realise you were asking for advice not opinions, but its a subject I feel strongly about and whenever I hear it mentioned I cant keep my views to myself!! :hug:

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