first set of nails after completing conversions course


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Peter Pan

Too sexy to be old geek
Premium Geek
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Hartlepool UK
hi guys - just thought id let you know that after completing my conversion course today - i decided to have another go - (as wendy said i needed to work on my smile lines)....i have posted a pic of the set i done when i got home in my gallery, my friend decided to come over so i grabbed the opportunity and put her a set of nails on

please have a look and tell me what you think - and if there are any other things i could do to improve

thanks guys, i knew i could rely on you
Very Nice :cool: They are slim and the smile lines look fab.
Well done.
Hi Glynis, just looked on your website, couldn't find your new pics, but your nail art looks good. Point me in the right direction to see your smile lines! I'm new to all this, spoke to you in chat room the other night! x
Well done you should be very proud of yourself they look so good
They are looking nice from here I am sitting babe....................
maybe a side shot would have been good too..........
But they are pretty fabreoonie from what I can see.............
Keep it up girl, you soon have thoses baby's smiling nicely xxxx
Hey well done you they are looking great as Ruth say's keep it up and you will soon have the smile lines smiling :)

Keey up the good work

Take care Dawnie xxxxxx
I love your site!! Great job on the nails. And I loooooove your 3-D art.....simply gorgeous! Keep up the good work. And tell me how was the course?!? What did you like best?
mgloverfam said:
I love your site!! Great job on the nails. And I loooooove your 3-D art.....simply gorgeous! Keep up the good work. And tell me how was the course?!? What did you like best?
the course is FAB. i enjoyed everything about it. the educator was thorough in her explanaintions, she made sure we understood everything about the product, if we didnt understand any part of it she would run thro it again and again until we did, i dont have anything negative to say about it - it was simply the best
cathryn100 said:
Hi Glynis, just looked on your website, couldn't find your new pics, but your nail art looks good. Point me in the right direction to see your smile lines! I'm new to all this, spoke to you in chat room the other night! x
I didnt know in which direction to go either! Was it the last before and after photo??
they look really great glynis !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

go into peter pans profile carole the picture is loaded on this site.
I cant find them :confused: I can see your Clarite work and help...
there lovely well done
They look lovely, the smile lines are all even so what more could you ask for? They look so nice and slim too.
hi girls
ive posted 2 more pics today of the nails ive just finished. do you thing there is any improvement?
Peter Pan said:
hi girls
ive posted 2 more pics today of the nails ive just finished. do you thing there is any improvement?
smilier smiles than the first lot, i think they're great. :D
don't mean to be picky or anything, but....that picky of your lovely nails and the glass - it should be a FULL glass of FIZZ - congratulations you should be celebrating as they are fab!
Tickled Pink! said:
don't mean to be picky or anything, but....that picky of your lovely nails and the glass - it should be a FULL glass of FIZZ - congratulations you should be celebrating as they are fab!
hi - what glass are you on about - there isnt a glasss to be seen
Peter Pan said:
hi - what glass are you on about - there isnt a glasss to be seen
Ahhh bless thats my glass lol.............
Go to members album and then select Peter Pan album............
i hate to think what i did last night - far too much to drink at the kid's school disco (cringe :o )...not only have i posted on hear whilst completely off my face but i have quite obviously been bidding on ebay for things i have absolutely no use for or need!! But i was convinced i saw a glass in the piccy!!!
Carole Lindsay said:
I didnt know in which direction to go either! Was it the last before and after photo??
Okay Glynis i feel like a right plonker coz i've just gone into the gallery on this site as opposed to your website and seen your pics - they are absolutely fantastic: well impressive!

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