Foils-how close to the scalp?


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Yep I agree that's why I also said I try on real hair as when clients hair haircut in salon some long ones I keep the hair to try different bleaches colours toners etc.

That is a good idea aslong as your not doinf it on actual clients.

The only thing I will say is make sure you understand the colour before just mixing up some concoction slapping it on and seeing what it does anybody can do that ny oh understands colour enough to do that but a great hairdresser needs to understand the science behind it and understand why colour results end up like they do. Its not just how its why !!!
I'm not asking for any advice on tigi
Blue already said its hard to use before and their numbers confuse me I just wanted to try some high lift tint that's all. If u don't have anything good to comment don't bother thanks

New than entitled to comment as are you thank you
I do it I spent hours in Toni guy watching the guy he's so goooooood

Ask loads of questions too (I'm sure you do lol ) but I trained with ignorant then when I understood that went on to wella now matrix , stick to one and get to know you chosen colour brand , there's loads of info online and books you can learn from Xx
That is a good idea aslong as your not doinf it on actual clients.

The only thing I will say is make sure you understand the colour before just mixing up some concoction slapping it on and seeing what it does anybody can do that ny oh understands colour enough to do that but a great hairdresser needs to understand the science behind it and understand why colour results end up like they do. Its not just how its why !!!

Yep thanks mr ;) x
Ask loads of questions too (I'm sure you do lol ) but I trained with ignorant then when I understood that went on to wella now matrix , stick to one and get to know you chosen colour brand , there's loads of info online and books you can learn from Xx

Yeah I wanted to buy some colouring books but don't know which to buy oh yes u can imagine me how many questions I ask him haha.. ;)
Yeah I wanted to buy some colouring books but don't know which to buy oh yes u can imagine me how many questions I ask him haha.. ;)

I can imagine lol x
Ask loads of questions too (I'm sure you do lol ) but I trained with ignorant then when I understood that went on to wella now matrix , stick to one and get to know you chosen colour brand , there's loads of info online and books you can learn from Xx

You trained with who?

I think Thiagos already familiar with that brand! LMAO! What an appropriate spellcheck disaster!

Anyway...Thiago, let me know if you need any help with the Aveda colour...always glad to offer assistance. Oh, by the way their level 7 gold colours are amazing for grey coverage (only takes 20 minutes to develop with no heat!)

To all the other crap on here... OH....MY....GOD!!

Back on subject. I allow 2 hours 45 min- 3 hours 30min for full head foils.
I apply as close to the root as possibly without risking bleeding. Small sections, good tension and staggered sectioning means no regrowth is left :)
To all the other crap on here... OH....MY....GOD!!

Back on subject. I allow 2 hours 45 min- 3 hours 30min for full head foils.
I apply as close to the root as possibly without risking bleeding. Small sections, good tension and staggered sectioning means no regrowth is left :)

I prefer to leave a bit of regrowth ... It makes great business as they come back a week or 2 earlier. Lol
It is a bit more expensive than most regular brands but only by a couple of pounds.

To get the colour you need to contact Aveda. They will sell it to you on the following conditions:

1. You're qualified
2. You own a salon.
3. You employ at least 5 staff.
4. You pass the interview with them to become one of their salons. Currently there are 500 of us in the UK who have passed the interview and are able to trade as Aveda salons but I think you might end up that good one day.

In the meantime, have you checked eBay? :) You could have a play around with it? The highlift is called ELC and the pigments are called Pure Pastels, the developer is known as Activator. You will need the pre-porosity treatment equaliser before you apply and also the PHinish conditioner for use when you've shampooed it off to restore PH level back to normal. Have fun! Let me know if you need any help. :)

Oh te salon I work we only have 2 hairdresser plus me and one beauty and I don't have a salon lol so I guess I can't guy from them haha I will check on ebay then ;). Thank uuuuuuxx
I prefer to leave a bit of regrowth ... It makes great business as they come back a week or 2 earlier. Lol

I wouldn't go back to someone if they left a regrowth :) full head foils and a CF cost £85 plus with me so I prefer to keep my clients happy ;)
You trained with who?

I think Thiagos already familiar with that brand! LMAO! What an appropriate spellcheck disaster!

Anyway...Thiago, let me know if you need any help with the Aveda colour...always glad to offer assistance. Oh, by the way their level 7 gold colours are amazing for grey coverage (only takes 20 minutes to develop with no heat!)


Oh my god I started using igora my bloody phone ha ha x
I prefer to leave a bit of regrowth ... It makes great business as they come back a week or 2 earlier. Lol

Is this supposed to be sarcastic or serious ? X
I wouldn't go back to someone if they left a regrowth :) full head foils and a CF cost £85 plus with me so I prefer to keep my clients happy ;)

How often do you expect to see them back? Every 8 weeks?

That would be SIX weeks if you left a bit of regrowth! Trust me ... I'm a guru when it comes to stuff like this. ;)
To all the other crap on here... OH....MY....GOD!!

Back on subject. I allow 2 hours 45 min- 3 hours 30min for full head foils.
I apply as close to the root as possibly without risking bleeding. Small sections, good tension and staggered sectioning means no regrowth is left :)

I see most hairstylist apply close to te roots so do I mine is pretty close but this guy he put right to the roots bleach, tint whatever and no bleed I can't believe it lol
How often do you expect to see them back? Every 8 weeks?

That would be SIX weeks if you left a bit of regrowth! Trust me ... I'm a guru when it comes to stuff like this. ;)

They come back after 6 and pay me £33 for a cut and finish then 8 and pay me £40-50 for a half head plus £21 to finish it
How often do you expect to see them back? Every 8 weeks?

That would be SIX weeks if you left a bit of regrowth! Trust me ... I'm a guru when it comes to stuff like this. ;)

But what about the clients you lose because joe bloggs down the road can her foils closer? If you add the cost of that up im surebit woukd out weigh your 2weeks x
I prefer to leave a bit of regrowth ... It makes great business as they come back a week or 2 earlier. Lol

Haha this is good more money in lol but my clients are annoying some once the girl that work with me did one of my clients as I was full booked then3 days after she came bk saying the highlight wasn't close enough and she wanted it re done and had to do for free ;(
But what about the clients you lose because joe bloggs down the road can her foils closer? If you add the cost of that up im surebit woukd out weigh your 2weeks x

By my calculations my clients spend more AND I have been looking after some of them for 15 years sooo..think I shall stick to what I'm doing and not rip my clients off with substandard service lolxx
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