Help!!! Leaflets


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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
mid wales
Hello, i was wondering if anyone can help! i always print my leaflets, cards and gift vouchers out at home, I already have a logo that I have used for the last five years so dont want to change that, but i am now working over 60 a week and i am getting really stressed coming home and trying to print them all out everyweek on an ancient laptop and printer, sooooo has anyone got any reccomendations for places to have leaflets done? i dont need anything fancy, just cheap!! pls any suggestions grateful
sally xx

I think you can log on to Vista Print and load up your own design and they will do the rest.

I have had business cards from them using their designs, but I am sure I saw an area for you to load your own.

It might be worth a gander on the site to be sure.

:) Claire
ok thanks ill have a gander, it was leaflets more than anything so ill see if they do them too
s xxx
Hi hun,

This is a company near me who I'm about to use. Check them out and see what you think?

Are you after people to design it? print it? or both? :)
You could also see if you have any printers locally. There's one near me (Minuteman Press) where you can physically walk into the shop front and discuss your requirements, they also print on-site. Really helpful as I'm rubbish at design but couldn't really afford a designer. As they printed onsite and also I collected them from the premises they didn't charge delivery so I got a really good price, and it was convenient too. They printed 200 DL size leaflets next day.
Might be worth checking out if they have a branch near you.

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