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Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Hi I am new to this forum :)

I have done a spray tanning course and currently do it from home, I am looking into renting a room but that is costs that I could do without at the moment while I am building up.

But I am struggling with where to advertise, can anyone advise me?

Thank you

You need to look at what your options are for your area re paid and free advertisements. Coming up to the christmas period is when you will get busy especially with the tans, do you do any other treatments?
Yes I am a massage therapist and I did an acrylic nail course, but to be honest the time it took me to apply the nails to what I was charging it wasn't really worth my while so I don't offer that anymore.

I seem to get so far and then it goes very quiet again, think I just need patience and to understand building up a business takes time :)

Thank you
Hi I am new to this forum :)

I have done a spray tanning course and currently do it from home, I am looking into renting a room but that is costs that I could do without at the moment while I am building up.

But I am struggling with where to advertise, can anyone advise me?

Thank you


Where is to advertise?????? there are loads of ways that don't cost the earth,,,,,, first start and the best advise to give you, have a look on previous threads there is a great one "more ways to promote youyrself" it's a great thread full of advise.

Then there is leaflet drop's 5,000 leaflets cost me anyway, £69 and that was the best I found. Hard work. Leave leaflet's in shop's,,, clothes shop's, post office, hairdresser's, sandwich shop's etc. Do posters up to put in window's. Car magnets. Monthly email's,, free bottle of wine for spray tan partie's booked coming up to xmas.
I'm just putting this on the back of a bus!

It'll be trundling round town for 18 hours a day. There doing a special rate for a three month agreement.

Love that Jason! Looks great. xx
Try local free mags for a quarter page ad at a reasonable cost. xx
try as this site is total free and works too.Also design and print your own flyers and put them up in local shops around your area.offer spray tan parties where the hostess receives a free should have them rolling in. :)
Jason that's ace! Make sure you let us know how it goes. :)

I love that ad for the back of the bus. Don't think it should be allowed tho. If I pulled up behind that I'd probably crash the car as I'd be too busy looking at those hunky torsos!

Who ever did the graphic design for that ad is a genius. It's fab!

Let us know how it goes.

Getting back to the original query................................ I put some leaflets on the staff notice board of my local hospital. Got a great response.
Loads of fantastic ideas above... one more...

enlist the help of a few of your most sociable/connected friends, do some treatments on them/talk them through what you offer/let them show and feel the products then give them some leaflets/cards and get them to go out and promote promote promote to their friends and family - gets great results - because its based on reccomendations and word of mouth

best of luck
I'm just putting this on the back of a bus!

It'll be trundling round town for 18 hours a day. There doing a special rate for a three month agreement.


This is brilliant let us know how you get on,,,,, did it cost you much????? sorry to be cheeky.

I rememeber someone on here saying a while ago,,,, an advert on the back of a bus,,, something like "looking like the back end of this bus" everytime I get stuck behind a bus I think of that and wonder if they ever did it and what I would out on that.

Now when I see a bus I'll just think of this hunky ad lol

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