help with abcesses - mine


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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2008
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Hi and thanks for reading my post.
Just wanting to know about abcesses. I get them in my groin and under my breasts. The ones in my groin are really painful and the one i have now is about 4cm long and an inch wide. At the moment its just a solid lump but you can feel all the pus under the surface, which usually takes about a week to come to the surface. They usually bust on there own because its too painful to try and bust anyway.
The trouble is once it does bust, it usually fills back up again and the process starts all over again. The ones under my breasts do the same but once they have busted they leave holes, which in turn become scars. Once they have gone i get another somewhere else.
I have been to the docs and he just put me on a low dose anti-biotic but it isnt helping, i have been getting these for years now and they are starting to get me down because it is so painful.
Any advice/suggestions greatly recieved.
Thanks geeks x:)
Just wanted to say, don't look at the thread called "not for the faint hearted"! I can't help, but hope someone can help you ! x
Just wanted to say, don't look at the thread called "not for the faint hearted"! I can't help, but hope someone can help you ! x

Thanks i had to have a look after you said don't and i wish i hadn't.
I would go and see a different doctor hun,
these are infections and are running you down, the more run down you get the more abscesses you will suffer,
it is a never ending circle that needs to be sorted for you :hug:
i have had a few in my groin over the years and it is usually when i am really stressed out,
hope you find a solution soon
Hi there babe,

You poor poor thing.. I have only have one of these.. in my mouth and I was so cranky and suffered migrains from it... it is poisioning your body and it can get into your blood stream and make you very very ill..... please go and see another dr.. sounds to me like you have an underlying infection in your body and it is coming out as these abcs... you might need a blood test etc and a few high dose's of anti b just to clear it off... good luck and i hope they leave you alone.. x
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Hi Kelly

I suffer with HS and my abscesses are normaly under my arm pit, I have to see a Dermatologist at the hospital every 6 months, I also have been prescribed antibiotics to help ease the problem, the last time I went for my appointment at the hospital they injected my abscess.....boy did that hurt!!

It is so unfair as I have marks under my arms and I never show off my arms as I embarrassed by them.

since my last appointment I havent had one so fingers crossed Ive got it under control, My arm pits hurt though around the time of the month so I still think its hormonal

Get back to your doctors and get referred to the dermatologist

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There was a lady with the same probablem recently on the embarrasing illness show a bit like the street doctor show.I am sure the treatment was anti biotics perhaps you need stronger ones definately go back or see a different doctor.
Have a look at Channel 4 Embarrassing Illnesses, Health, Advice, Conditions, How to, STDs, Consultations from and type in boils abcesses it comes up with something called hidradenitis suppurativa maybe this is what you have.

Thankyou this was very informative, and it could be this. The abcess is now becoming soft and filling with pus so i think i may make a trip to my local a & e and let them drain it and tell me what the hell i have been suffering with for the past 15 years. xxx
Yes and try and get to see a dermatologist because thats what you need, a specialist.Often many problems if not life threatening just get overlooked a gp is afterall a GENERAL practioner.
You could just go to your gp and ask to be referred.

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