Everything is in one account for me. Easier in some ways, pain in the butt for others.. Later I will have two accounts.
Took 4.5yrs to get to this point.
4.5yrs ago, I could NOT pay for my own car + insurance + gas + maintenance, THEN my daughter's pre-K fees, their extracurriculurs (ballet, sports), and oodles of other stuff (which I am doing all of now).
So, while I don't have a 'payday', I know I'm doing better because I'm contributing more around the home and actually bought a brand new winter jacket this year, which I haven't done in 8yrs... (all hand-me-down's from my Mom)...
I still have ways to go, but I know I'm the right path.
It will be nice when I don't juggle anymore and can have two accounts and build an actual "savings' for my business.
I figure 2 more years..... and I'll be solid. I still have a few more courses to go and such... so...