How old is your eldest client?


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Sep 9, 2008
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How old is your eldest client, and after what age would you decline to do enhancements.

My nanna is 87 (allthough she acts 60... still drives, cooks, cleans, and does all my mums housework - amazing lady!)

She nibbles her nails, not too badly, she just bites them back so hardly any white showing.

She would like extensions with l&p overlay. It would obviously be very minimal with how long the extensions would be, she would just like a few millimetres of white.

I really am in 2 minds as to whether to do them for her.

From a practical point of view, they would be looked after, and her nails arent too bad to start with for putting the extensions on, i just wondered if there is an upper age limit which you would no longer apply enhancements, and reasons for this.

Thanks, and i look forward to your replies.
My oldest is my nan too..... she is the best at 85...

she too cleans and cooks and goes out more than i do!!!

She loves to look after herself so who are we to decline as long as the enhancements are managable!!!

Ummmmm 63? And she LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVES nail art :lol:
mine is 78, loves her nails, though she only has overlays now, she has nail art on her fingers, loves diamantes on her toes and has regular spray tans!

i don't impose an upper age limit as they are old enough to follow any aftercare advice i give and hav the time to come back regulary for top ups

who are we to say no
A person's age is not usually a contraindication to a treatment (although insurance companies and ethics frown on under 16's in many treatments). Good on her for still taking a pride in her appearance. Make her day and give her lovely nails.

I had a client for a facial on Saturday who was 89 and she wants to come back! That is my oldest ever!

I did a normal facial but kept it simple and did not go mad on the massage as older skin buises easily and is more fragile and loose but the mental benefits to the older client are enormous as to have someone take care and time over them is the best tonic ever.

I feel older clients can have treatments but you need to adapt and check for any contra-indications and health issues and medication.

Nails on your Nanna, why not but not long or sharp as she might catch herself but better still a lovely manicure.

Good luck. X:)
I have a lady who is 78 and she loves a manicure, her husband has a pedicure and he is 80 something. I have another gentleman that has regular manicures and is have a paraffin wax treatment tomorrow and he is 70. So I think go for it, if she loves looking after herself then do her some short enhancements. xxx
My mum is 82 and she's been having enhancements since I started my training. She put up with some seriously awful nails at the start and is now starting to reap <slightly> better rewards. She has a custom blended French l&p once a fortnight and her nails still grow like wildfire. She can't sit for very long at a time and so we do her hands on consecutive days. She makes a note in her diary when she's 'Due.' :)
My mom is 82 and is wearing a custom blend. Like Deena's mum, mine has had some really crappy nails but she is a good sport. And I am improving.

My oldest clients (hubby & wife...married 72 years) live at the assisted living residence I go to every couple weeks. She gets a manicure and he gets his nails trimmed and filed. He can't see well and needs someone to do this for him.

They warm my heart as they are still in love every bit as much as they must've been in 1936. They still flirt with each other. I think they are adorable! :)
My eldest client is 93! she is as glamorous as ever, always having make-up on, matching earrings and beads too! She has pink acrylic in an oval shape :hug: xx
I have a 90 year old that comes every 2 weeks....she loves colored l&p but hates to pay for them....LOL She was having manicures every 2 weeks with nail we are using mani q and nail art. She doesn't leave the shop without the nail art. She gets her hair done once a week bowls on 2 bowling leagues, and still drives. She is amazing! I have an 80 year old that wears l&p with Edin Burgandy...and she likes her nails square!
My oldest client is 87. she has a coloured gel overlay.. she goes on 2 or 3 cruises with her husband of 60 somithing years... goes to show those who look after them selfs really do live a long happy life...most of teh time..

I just have to be extra careful with the nail files as their skin is so soft and thin.
mine is 95 bless her , although i wont see her much now as shes going in a home adn they have a in house therapist and she doesnt want to offend em by saying no :lol:
i did her a mani and pedi a few weeks ago before she went in the home , shes going home for a week in the new yr so will call and see her :green:
bless i think the world of her and i tell ya she has more get up and go than me !!!
I used to do a shape and polish for my friend's mum who was 84. She had Alzheimers so I had to re-introduce myself to her every time, bless her.:hug: She was great fun and had fantastic stories of her life.

Sadly I had to go to her funeral yesterday.:cry:

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