I am in my local newspaper!!!!!!


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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Hastings, East Sussex
I had no idea the troubles you are having, I hope you sort these bullies out very soon and all returns to normal.

I think they should be running a half page advert in your local paper every week to confirm you are open etc, at no cost to you untill to try and start to repair the damage they are doing.

I hope this article gets the action you need.

Fingercrossed :hug:
Sorry you are getting all this grief Sam at least when they have finally finished you will have lots of clients on your doorstep.

In the meanwhile you did the right thing with bringing it to peoples notice and a write up in the local paper is always good news.

hope it all improves for you in the near future
Good for you Sam! It is not easy to stand up to the big boys and hopefully you'll get it all resolved soon. You should be getting compensated for the loss of business you have suffered. Good luck!
Well done Sam for standing up for your rights.

Builders and workmen like the one's causing you grief give others in the same trade a bad name. My mum recently had an extension built and her builders were great so luckily she had little stress.

I can't imagine what it's like for you so I really hope the situation changes for the better for you as soon as possible. :hug:
Oh dear what a time you have had I do hope that it is over now and you get lots of clients knocking at your door after this bad time you have had.

Good luck

Caz xxx
hope things get better soon, good luck
I sympathise with you - the stress and worry must be awful, but good for you for 'taking on the might of a building giant' it must be difficult. The article will, at least, let people know that you are still open for business as usual.

I hope things improve soon and let us know what happens :Love:
Sounds like hell Sam, I hope the situation gets resolved soon. Taking on Wimpey won't be the easiest of tasks - I can't believe they are even going on building & right across the road!
Good luck with the fight!
Karen S.
Well done for getting your voice heard Sam...lets hope it makes a difference !
sam chaney said:
Hi all, still struggling with my ongoing battle with Wimpey Builders, but my local newspaper did an article for me last week.

What do you all think. http://www.surreycomet.co.uk/news/localnews/display.var.588559.0.nothing_but_noise_lsquobuilding_work_is_ruining_my_businessrsquo.php


Oh Sam, what a complete and utter nightmare for you - I really hope this article will go some way to resolving all those issues and that eventually, once they are completed, that business starts booming again. Hopefully once, everything is finished and the properties are sold, you can look forward to a renewed clientelle from the new residents. But I do understand that in the meantime, you are losing business but I'll keep my fingers crossed that this can all be balanced out eventually whether by compensation and/or new clients - just try to hang in there and keep on giving them hell :hug: !

i hope things get back on track for you soon, :hug:
Hi Sam

I can totally relate on smaller scale. I have just opened a nail, beauty and holisitc salon (well 10 weeks) and I have builders working next door too. Although they are just building a couple of houses, the noise and mess drives me crazy - I really feel for you having it on a major scale. When they get going with those picker things to dig up the road, it makes my filings shake! Fortunatley, they are due to finish next week :p

Just wanted to show support for you, fight them all the way :hug: - kick some ass!

PS. I live in a new Wimpy house - you really do have to fight them tooth and nail for everything.
Well Done Sam - it's something and it's important - you didn't sit still and I hope more is resolved for you!
Sam i can really sympathise with you.

We are currently at court (after 2 years) with a builder who bodged our house.

Hopefull fingers crossed within the next two weeks i should be getting a payment (long awaited) from him as we have just settled out of court!!


Amb x
Hope it gets sorted soon Sam, it sounds like hell. What is it about newspapers that compels them to put your age into any kind of article?
A situation like this horrendous project can absolutely kill a business where peace and tranquility are part and parcel of the pampering experience!

Keep the momentum going Sam and don't let them off the hook. They should absolutely be made to pay compensation and they should want to do it as well ... it is a drop in the ocean to them and everyhting to you. they would soon be shouting if it was someone holding up their work and costing them money.

:idea: Maybe we should organize a local picket ine and stop or hold up their starting of the new project!! They would soon be wailing about that. Get the locals organized girl ... :idea: tie yourself to a digger like Mrs Pankhurst ... whatever it takes they should be made to pay you what they owe you.
Great Sam, you have worked really hard on this - keep your pecker up. Cathy
glynis said:
What is it about newspapers that compels them to put your age into any kind of article?
I was thinking the same thing Glynis, but hey, Sam you don't look a day over 30! :D

Hope peace and quiet soon reigns and the business picks up for you sam, and best wishes to Tracey and amb as well! :hug:

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