I have been asked to write a section of a book that will be coming out later in the year; I was going to tell you all who the writer is but I'm not actually sure if I can
(you all know this person:green: though). Anyway, it is about NAILS (duhh of course) in the UK and 'this person' has 10 people from across the globe writing their two-penneth on their own countries likes and dislikes...
OK cut-to-the-chase Samantha...
I need to know...what nail styles - meaning shape, length, colour (pink/white, all one colour, nail art, coloured l+p/gel...yadda yadda) do your clients lean towards?? Is it what they want?? or is what you provide??? In Leeds, many clients are loving the almond and stiletto look with coloured tips and pink middles but I would love feedback from around the UK if possible - this obviously includes our Scottish, Welsh and Irish Geeks. Many thanks to those of you who reply!!
and I know what you are all like so before you ask - I shall be thanking the UK Geeks/Geekettes rather than individulas!!! Thanks again:biggrin:
OK cut-to-the-chase Samantha...
I need to know...what nail styles - meaning shape, length, colour (pink/white, all one colour, nail art, coloured l+p/gel...yadda yadda) do your clients lean towards?? Is it what they want?? or is what you provide??? In Leeds, many clients are loving the almond and stiletto look with coloured tips and pink middles but I would love feedback from around the UK if possible - this obviously includes our Scottish, Welsh and Irish Geeks. Many thanks to those of you who reply!!