Inappropriate salon assistant


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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2013
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We have just got this new assistant (school leaver) in the salon who is really over the top and obviously gay. Now I work in a day spa and the clients that come in to our salon would not appreciate him, as horrible as that sounds! He starts up conversations with clients and butts in whilst you're colouring/cutting. You'll be mid conversation and hell come over "CAN I GET YOU A DRINK?" Kinda embarrassing when he's asked 3 times already!

The other day I heard him shampooing a client, and before he applied conditioner he went "erm can I just ask you a question.... Do you like it rough?" :-| I was mortified. The poor client didn't have a clue what to say! And when a bit of water trickled down her face he went "ooh sorry didn't mean to make you wet!"

Another time, the night previous to this I held a thorough training session with all our assistants going through every kerastase shampoo and what they do. There was a Middle Aged lady with grey hair sat in the basin the other day, and as I was getting gloves out he came up to me with a bottle of Bain De Force and went "IS THIS FOR OLD PEOPLE?" I wanted to kick and slap him at the same time haha!

Thing is when confronted about both occasions his response was "oh she shouldn't be so dirty minded!" And "did I?" I'd like to say he doesnt realise he's doing it but I honestly think he's pushing his luck.

I'm embarrassed to get him to do jobs for me so I just don't ask him, he has a very lazy work ethic. He is at first on a 3 month trial, and all our other assistants say he does half a job. He just won't listen to anybody! Has anybody had similar experience in dealing with these type of situations?
Tell him straight (pardon the pun), its the only way...

Tell him that half a job won't keep his job.. Educate him about the ways we communicate with clients and what is and what isn't acceptable.
If his attitude doesn't change get rid! It only takes one rotten apple and all that.. ;-)
I agree with la pirate , he needs education / training on communication and how to deal with clients in a professional manner , has he trained yet ? Could you not get the salon manager to have a word with him ?
I can see why you are mortified I would be xx
It's not even my job to sort him out but everybody else seems to be failing at doing so, haha! She's on holiday for 10 days, hence why I'm gonna step in and have a word. It gets to the point where he's causing arguments between assistants, which makes it a real tense stressed out day! They keep saying he feels under pressure, how do they think we feel running a full column and relying on them to help us? Haha. It's a joke. They haven't started college yet so hopefully he'll learn discipline when he does. Gonna see how he is on Monday and step in I I need to x
I would say something if he carries on you will probably have too , and hopefully he will gain knowledge and understanding when he starts college , well good luck anyway xx
I don't think whether he's gay or not should come into it; he's not behaving professionally at all towards the clients and the other staff at the salon, and his behaviour sounds as though it risks seriously offending people - which could lead to loss of clientele, and the salon itself getting a bad reputation.

I'd have been inclined to have had some very strong words with him immediately after the first time he made an inappropriate comment to a client - basically saying that it's not at all polite or professional to make such comments to people - and that he really needs to think about how he behaves in future - particularly if he is serious about gaining work in a salon.
I don't mean that his sexuality should make a difference, we have a lot of different sexualities working in our salon, but when he's prancing around the salon and shoving it in people's faces, it really not professional! Like I say, it's not my job to control him, I just want advice as my manager is away for 10 days like I said, and if I need to step in ill h e to.
I think you should talk honestly with him. Tell him that is ok to have a laugh and joke, but he really should stop doing that thing he does with the infinie platine.
Interesting thread.

I guess the first thing I would say is that in a way this is your bosses fault because he should have gone through an induction detailing everything, including client communication. Our induction for new staff is half a day no matter how much experience they have had, and there is a short quiz at the end to make sure they have understood everything.

Seeing as this hasn't been done, your first priority this weekend should be to write one up and take him through it detailing his breaks, training, expectations, staff communication, client communication, what to do if he has a grievance etc. this will help a lot.

Now, onto the issue of his sexuality. In my experience, young gay guys are still finding themselves and can often act very effeminate and camp...innuendo is abound at every drag performance they watch and when it raises a cheer from the audience the young gay guys will often remember it and store it in their minds for later believing it to be witty, sarcastic and a tool to help them make people laugh - therefore finding them a place within the social dynamics of everyday life. This is kind of understandable as most young gay guys suffer some type of bullying at school and at 16 or 17 when they finally start going out to gay bars etc. and can begin to feel relaxed they take on board the mannerisms and characterisms of the popular characters in those bars in order that they can finally fit in somewhere.

As a result, this 'new personality' spills over from the weekend and into the everyday working week, and innuendo meant to please a crowd on a Saturday night after a few drinks is suddenly being bounced around the salon on Wednesday at 1.30pm with Mrs Smith who never asked to see the show!

This isn't something you can train out of's their puberty if you like, in much the same way as your teenage daughter might start dressing and acting exactly the same way as her other popular friends; it is a growth phase and perfectly normal and expected when a young adult is trying to establish their identity. I'd say an induction will sort out the expected levels of service, but you will have to live with the effervescence of his youth until he finds himself.

That was really helpful! Thanks! x
When assistants start in Salons what training are they given? Surely every salon has a set way of doing things band handling clients and how I talk to them.

Sounds like he needs these lessons. On the job training is critical I think.
Yeah I know, think I'm gonna have to step in n sort it out tomorrow! Can't hack another day of it!
Wish me luck for tomorrow guys!
He had today off. I'm ready to crack the whip!! x
Well let us all know how you get on :) xx
Can you get in touch with your boss ? I own a Salon and they have done the wrong thin going on holiday half way through a trial! I would get in touch with them. It's a hazard of the boss title. You shouldn't have to be worrying about these things :(
Old post! I no longer work there now, but apparently he ended up getting dismissed anyway for being late 6 times and ringing in sick twice in the 3 weeks he worked for them haha!
Wooooo . God I would of slapped him lol or drown him in the back wash . Really what a muppet

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