Hi all, im in a bit of a dilema as to whether to do my NVQ beauty level 2. i would be doing it either 2 evenings and 1 sat morning a week or another college does it 2 evenings (4 hours per evening). I have completed my nail tech training and am doing this mobile part time. Dont have many clients yet but a few. I work full time as a teacher and teach business studies. i would really love to do the beauty therapy course but i dont know if id be taking too much on. I work in a small beahvioural school and we have an onsite little salon. The secretary has nvq3 so has been doing 2 1/2 days a week. The plan is for us to work together and me to do the teacher bit like the planning and paperwork, and behaviour managment etc and for her to do the practical, they will only pay her as a TA 3 so she cant be expected to do it all. I am also a lot more confident on the manicure side of things than her. In the future teaching beauty is something i would really like to consider so it seems wise to do a beauty NVQ but as i say is it taking too much on?? Someone i know has suggested waiting till i want to have a baby and do my nvq on maternity leave lol! I need to decide before all the places are taken for september.
Has anyone done it as a night class and found it too intense?
I know its a long thread so thanks for reading!! xx
Has anyone done it as a night class and found it too intense?
I know its a long thread so thanks for reading!! xx