Is this a scam or a real opportunity, please help!


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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2010
Reaction score
mountain ash
hello geeks wondering if you can help here... i applied for a job as a hairstylist in a salon. the ad was posted in the job centre website wanted a fully qualified hairdresser with some afro hair experience as an advantage. a week later the owner calls me. we talk for a while as a phone interview and she says i like what you said so far. i'm opening this new branch in the city center and i'm looking for both a stylist and a salon manager as well. I think you would be good for the position come in for a 3days trade test and we'll see where we go from there.

so i went for the three days and on the first day she says to me i like what i've seen so far what would you say to opening a shop like this in this location (somewhere outside the city center tat was previously mentioned near a popular university) you will have it a a franchise where whatever you earn from the salon is yours but what ever you sell from the products will be divided 40-60 to her.
i say tat would be nice but i can't afford a franchise at the moment. (here's were it gets confusing) she says don't worry i really like you and see you as almost my sister i will pay for the rent and kit you up in the shop all u need to do is kit the salon and the beauty room.

now after the third day i asked her do I have the job or not she says to me the job is yours if you want it. but i'm concerned about the distance you have to travel and the fact that you have a baby (i have an 8week old baby but due to circumstance i am the only one who can seek employment so me and my husband decided that i would go and work while he looked after the kids and the baby) so i would like u to consider the shop offer and to find a place where the they will not require a deposit and you pay at the end of the month.

sorry for the long message but i had to give details as i'm confused do i have a job, or is she playing me about? and why would she be this generous to someone she doesn't know? help please as someone looking for work what would you think and as a salon owner what do you think she's after exactly as i've never come across such employment methods? should i just say no to the whole thing and continue looking else where? thanks guys in advancexx
Crikey lovey that was one mind bending post- your brain must be fried!

Personally I'd avoid like the plague, every time it seems you speak to her the position, job, location, everything- changes. As for the franchise part- huh? Whether shes playing you or just has no business brain at all or even if she genuinely wants to help you, i'd still avoid her.

If its like this at the beginning, you can probably hazard a guess its not going to get much better lovey.

Love n hugs x x x

This woman will cause you nothing but grief!
avoid avoid avoid.

she keeps changing the goal posts and that's not good/professional.
thank you so much for confirming my opinion. i will be telling her thank you but no thanx on monday. hopefully i can still keep a good contact with her for my weave clients though hehe;-Dxx

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