I've heard your shouts


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she's too lazy to click on the forum link lol :wink2:
no its just nice to ahve log on and see who is chatting lol, your right it probably is a bit of lazyness an while your at it Sam whats with the personal page and personal shoutbox, tried typing in it but no onw can see it but me lol.

or are you gonna keep us guessing on that one?
scattyfox said:
no its just nice to ahve log on and see who is chatting lol, your right it probably is a bit of lazyness an while your at it Sam whats with the personal page and personal shoutbox, tried typing in it but no onw can see it but me lol.

or are you gonna keep us guessing on that one?

I have to agree with Scatts here, I WANT it back on the home page......Please Sir :hug:
I dont have a clue what im doing on this webstie is there a chat room or just posts ? what do i do and how do i access it please????:cry:
SteffyG said:
I dont have a clue what im doing on this webstie is there a chat room or just posts ? what do i do and how do i access it please????:cry:

Hi and welcome to the site......this is a nail forum where you can post threads to ask fellow geeks for assistance or share information with us...

Firstly though have a read through site assistance and how to do stuff on the site!!...it will help you immensely ....There is a chat room as well and you will find it if you click on Schtuff on the toolbar......HTH
hello where at work it's very busy and we have had loads of customers.we own a sallon in london called jv nails.by the way where 20 and we just had biscuits with madonna we get payed lots and we are fit and we are married and we are married to orlando bloom and jonney depp!!!!!!!wb jess and vicky:smack:
heya i love your salon me and jess went in there the other day and we thought it was amazing but not as good as ares have you herd of it jv nails in london.wb vicky n jess:Grope:
well we own are own salons on here this web site is only for posh people who own there own salon.wb jess n vicky
I was thinking the same!! LOL!!!
Hye Jess and Vicky you feeling okay? Your posts were a little errrm ... random!!!!!
ally pally said:
well we own are own salons on here this web site is only for posh people who own there own salon.wb jess n vicky
ally pally said:
hello where at work it's very busy and we have had loads of customers.we own a sallon in london called jv nails.by the way where 20 and we just had biscuits with madonna we get payed lots and we are fit and we are married and we are married to orlando bloom and jonney depp!!!!!!!wb jess and vicky

LOL sounds like the rambling of a 13 year old teenager.....
i would love to purchase the nails magazines,and i would like to know if i can use money orders from the bank to make my purchases:?: i do not want to be left out:Scared: i have asked this in the forum before but no reply,thanks for what u are doing :) keep up the good work.hoping to hear from u soon.
nail2heart said:
i would love to purchase the nails magazines,and i would like to know if i can use money orders from the bank to make my purchases:?: i do not want to be left out:Scared: i have asked this in the forum before but no reply,thanks for what u are doing :) keep up the good work.hoping to hear from u soon.

If you send me an email with your contact details [email protected] I can look into what you need to do to get magazines sent to Barbados for you hun. Don't worry about being left out, the World is a smaller place on the net and especially on The Nail Geek! Where we can help we will.


Mandy x

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