kits for conversion courses


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Peter Pan

Too sexy to be old geek
Premium Geek
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Hartlepool UK
hi all, as i am going on my conversion course on thursday, i was wondering if any of you girls could tell me what size the bottle of retention+ is and also how big the jars of powders are:?:

im getting really excited about going, anyone would think i was going on holiday as ive already got my bag packed ready, all i need now is a mug shot:biggrin:
Hi Glynis,

The Retention+ is 4oz and the powders are 8/10oz. They are good value the kits - I'm still using mine. (That probably tells you how busy I am not!) You will love the course. Good luck!
NailNovice2 said:
Hi Glynis,

The Retention+ is 4oz and the powders are 8/10oz. They are good value the kits - I'm still using mine. (That probably tells you how busy I am not!) You will love the course. Good luck!
thanks for that - think ill order some more cos i know im gonna waste alot hahah
Hi Glynis

You will be surprized just how long the kit lasts you.

What you learn on the conversion day will help you so much you won't be wasting it, but using it to your advantage.

Have a brill day l guarantee you will!!!


I did my Conversion course about 3 weeks ago and I'm about out of Scrubfresh....... maybe I use too much! However, I found that it doesn't last as long as the rest of the stuff and I'm considering buying more of the Speedbond too. It's about done and I've only done about 10 sets of nails in 3 weeks.

The powder and the Retention+ won't be a worry for a while but the Scrubfresh and Speedbond might need ordering.

Hope that gives you and indication of which products you may need before others.

thanks guys - ill order the extras tomorra so im ready
Just a quick FYI - the Pro Kit is excellent value and thank you all for the positive feedback - when we say there is enough product to complete 40 odd full sets, we are talking about L+P! The Cool Blue, Scrubfresh etc are just starter sizes and small; you can't actually buy those sizes afterward!! Scrubfresh and Cool Blue etc all come in much bigger sizes which wroks out much cheaper in the long run!! Hope this helped! ;)
thanks Mrs Geek - im ordering the cool blue and scrubfresh tomorrow. ooooo i cant wait

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