Well-Known Member
hi guys hoping you could help, i completed my l&p course yesterday and really enjoyed it however am a bit concerned about my smile lines. we were taught yesterday to apply the bead of l&p white onto the tip and pat down into place to create the smile line, however i find my smile lines awful anyway so asked my tutor how i could improve them and she said that because i had done the sqaure shape on the nails the smile line doesnt need to be really smiley (not sure if i am making sense) and mine were fine. I dont think they are and wondered how you apply your smile lines with l&p to get them as beautiful as the ones ive seen especially geeg, i know i need practice and was quite impressed with my first ever set yesterday (and the model used has just become my first real client!!!) but is my application correct? sorry if this doesnt make sense !!!lol