Liza & JLo are Blinging!!!


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hi guys
i'm glad mrs geek & mum filled u in, i had to go straight to my sisters house warming party last night. the shoot ran very late, & we didn't get home till 10!
thanx to marian yet again, i know she says i helped HER out, but that's the kind of "help" i'll give anytime!
thanx to my colleague correlli who drove us in style in her new audi tt! it was her 1st job with me, & she was a star. she didn't have a ciggerette ALL the time we were there, so that she didn't smell of smoke when we got close to jennifer!
she hardly eat anything, she was sooo nervous!
it didn't help matters as we arrived 15 mins early (despite going 25 miles down the M23 , don't ask!), & they had just gone to do some stills.
alarm bells rang when the assistant to the studio said they were expecting jennifer back on set at 2.15. (she was meant to have her nails done between 1.30-3pm)
however, the 1st lesson you learn on these jobs is expect the unexpected, & b prepared to change the plans at a moments notice!
we sat & waited...
it was decided that they would do the next section of filming b4 i did her nails.
i met the lovely val garland (celeb make-up artist) who showed me the ropes on my 1st big job for british vogue.
she told me that jennifer had had nails put on a wk b4 on a shoot, & they kept breaking, so she pulled them off (whoops!), so they had a "nail tech" on day 1, who hurriedly buffed & painted a french polish. val had to clean the white enamel from under her free edge, eekkk, that's how gd that tech was.
day 2 & another nail tech, & she was sent away as jennifer couldn't bare to have her nails done.
then came my turn... don't forget, this is the celeb that reportedly has an entorage to overshadow elton john! & who is reportedly a complete diva.
thank goodness the reports were sooo wrong.
not only did she only have her assistant & 2 guys who i assumed were her bodyguards, but she was very relaxed & lovely.
her husband was with her, & they are obviously very in love.
she sang along to the 1st cut of her new cd while i was doing her 1st hand, & wow, what a voice, not easy to concentrate!
i asked whether she wanted pink & white or natural, & she choose natural. as i'd been told i only had 25-40 mins, i got on with the job.
after 3 nails had been sculpted (tips would've taken too long), she apologised, & said she should've gone with what i said, & could she have white & pink??!!?
no problem i said!
time was very tight, so i trimmed the ends down & filed the free edge into a smile line & re-sculpted the whites.
because of this, it was decided that i would do the 2nd hand after the next section of filming.
so once again, correlli & i sat in her trailer & waited.
the clothes & shoes were amazing, her stylist was showing us some of the looks.
as for the ad, we wasn't able to get on set as there were too many people there already, but from the outfits we guess it will have an oriental theme, as in the film "kill bill". we saw a fencing mask as well!
did i mention that Beyonce was there aswell!!
they are both very gorgeous in the flesh & jennifer in particular is TINY!
they finished shooting & her assistant asked us if we would mind doing the 2nd hand in her personal trailer, of course this was acceptable!
she had changed into jeans & t-shirt & was looking thro shots of her for her new album cover with her husband mark, & beyonces make-up artist.
she was very friendly, & was a joy to work with.
she explained that when she 1st thought of oval nails she thought of her mums nails! but she couldn't beleive how feminine it made her hands look!
she reckons she is "gonna bring back oval"!
i left her & her stylist a goody bag, & they had heard of solar oil!
great day
great experience
& hopefully a few more people now know that nails have moved on a bit in the last few years!
liza x
WOW - nuff said!
Wasn't Jennifer Lucky to get the best tech 3rd time round ;)
We all have to wait for the advert now so we can see your wonderful work Liza.
thanks for posting that liza, very interesting to read :) and well done on getting the job :biggrin: xxx
Ooooh Liza!
Thanx so much for giving us the 'blow-by-blow'!
I was sooo excited as I read it ... I found myself reading it faster and faster ... so had to reread. :)
Well done for not having a heart attack when Jlo changed her mind to go with p&w ... think that just served to remind me why you were there and I am here, lmao!!!!
Heres to many more celeb jobs coming your way ... Oh! and if Correllii ever decides its too boring assisting you with the stars, there will be a whole host of Geeks fighting it out here to accompany you. xx.
Well how great is Liza, to just jump in a car and go!! No how do I get there, what do I need to do, what time will I finish!!!! :D

Apart from that I was totally confident that Liza could not only do a great job for a 'A' lister (who has probably seen the best in the world!) but also deal with with the character in a totally professional way.

I have heard from Val Garland (make up artist to Jennifer and Beyonce) that Liza did a great job and showed the Americans how it is done here ;)

Once again, thanks Liza. (You'll all be hearing shortly how Liza and a few others will be showing a whole lot more people how it's done here!)

UK Geeks are the best in the world, says me :D
WOW!! that's amazing, I will be looking out for the ad. Cant imagine being able to work on someone like that........bad enough seeing GMG for the first time!! i'd be standing gawping LOL x
mum said:
Once again, thanks Liza. (You'll all be hearing shortly how Liza and a few others will be showing a whole lot more people how it's done here!)

UK Geeks are the best in the world, says me :D
.........curiouser and curiouser!
Wow impressive and converting JLo to stilettos....

Doing an A lister and changing trans-atlantic fashion in one day... :Look_left

What a Star you are and I bet you could kiss Marian :Kissing:
What a fantastic experience!!

How Did You Get The Gig? Are You Going To Post The Pics?

Congrats Again!
Well done again Liza...and thanks for giving us so much details...we were all waiting for the "story".

I have followed and read this thread very enthusiastically.... It is such a nice read....

Thanks Liza for making nail technicians feel proud of their jobs :)

thanx for all the great comments.
marion gave me the call, & i jumped at it!
the pics we got are only of us there, as mrs geek said b4, it just isn't professionally ethical to do a david bailey or to ask for an autograph!
i would've loved to get a pic of her nails, i'll just have to keep my eyes peeled for any media pics of her in the nxt 2 wks, u never know!
it just shows you that our industry is as exciting as any other out there, & it goes to show that good things DO come to those who wait!
i can say that with meaning now!
liza x
Hi, l am really pleased Liza had a great time, l loved reading her post,

If anyone says JLo is a diva l shall put them straight , she did'ent sound like that at all! and well done to you Liza, bet she'll have you back again. xx
just to let u guys know the latest.
johnathon from bellisima pr, phoned me today to tell me that he's writing a piece for the celeb mag of sunday mirror, & he's putting in all about kylie & J-lo!
not sure if it's this week or nxt, i will b scanning it v.closely!
i still haven't managed to see the damn kylie video yet, i never watched so much music t.v, my jema can't believe her luck!!
liza x

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