Hey guys,
just wanted to say hi and how handy this site is for answering some of my FAQs in previous threads. One thing I have been wondering is about when I am getting waxed, usually I get my back and bum done, is there any way to kind of blend between the waxed bit and the unwaxed bit at the top of my legs? Does that make sense? It is just sometimes it seems like such a difference between the two bits.
If anyone can suggest anything it would be great, either something I could do or ask my waxer to do at my next appointment.
Thanx again!
just wanted to say hi and how handy this site is for answering some of my FAQs in previous threads. One thing I have been wondering is about when I am getting waxed, usually I get my back and bum done, is there any way to kind of blend between the waxed bit and the unwaxed bit at the top of my legs? Does that make sense? It is just sometimes it seems like such a difference between the two bits.
If anyone can suggest anything it would be great, either something I could do or ask my waxer to do at my next appointment.
Thanx again!