Manicure & spray tan on same client in same appt.


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Jun 15, 2010
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Hi, I am new to spray tanning and need some advice.....

I have a friend booked in for a manicure and spray tan within the same appt. next week. Obviously I will do the manicure first as I don't want to ruin the tan on her hands. I'm just wondering whether the hand soak will have any effect on the tan (as I know showering just before is a no no). If I soak for as little time as possible just enough to soften the cuticles will this be ok or shall i avoid soaking altogether?
I am not going to massage at the end as I don't want to apply any massage cream to the arms, maybe just a light dry massage to hands and arms then spray tan after?

In an ideal world I would have done the manicure the day before but she is coming from London for a wedding so not really practicle!

Any comments or advice greatly appreciated! x
I would advise that she oils her cuticles from now till her appointment,plenty of handcream and pushing her own cuticles back when she massages the cream and oil in.
Then all i would do is a file and varnish and then put oil over the nails and cuticles when you do the tan.I wouldnt risk doing anything else for a wedding as hands can be quite difficult anyway.
hey huni

Your right ideally the day before atleast is best. But in this case i would do the same sweetie. Just soak the nails and try not to get to much of the hand soaking n i wouldnt suggest adding any oils into the soak. And yes leave the massage creams and lotions from the manicure but explain to your friend/client why you are doing this if it means a perfect tan most clients do not even bat an eye lid!! Ive done a few clients this way now who insist they must do there treatments in one day for whatever reason. And adding a light amount of oil over the dry polished nails is a great idea!!

HTH huns x :green:
hey huni

Your right ideally the day before atleast is best. But in this case i would do the same sweetie. Just soak the nails and try not to get to much of the hand soaking n i wouldnt suggest adding any oils into the soak. And yes leave the massage creams and lotions from the manicure but explain to your friend/client why you are doing this if it means a perfect tan most clients do not even bat an eye lid!! Ive done a few clients this way now who insist they must do there treatments in one day for whatever reason. And adding a light amount of oil over the dry polished nails is a great idea!!

HTH huns x :green:

I say the same, most people in our salon are happy to have a 'dry' manicure when we explain the effect it would have on a freshly applied spray tan.

I would tan first and do nails last.

To put my tuppance in, I would tan first and do the nails after too. No point as her nails would be ruined just getting her clothes on and off if it's a file and polish.

What I normally do, as it's usually only a file and polish is, do my tidy up and file, tan then go back to the nails just wiping any residue of tan off the nails, really carefully and not touching any of the surrounding skin.
I do this quite a lot, Heres how I do it with no problems.....

Full manicure first, I still do the massage but exchange the massage cream for the moisturiser which is the same brand as my tan. I don't massage up the arms, just keep it to the hands.

I do everything in the manicure except painting.....

Then... I tan them.... wipe over their nails with a wipe

Then... they come back to the nail station for their polish.
I do this quite a lot, Heres how I do it with no problems.....

Full manicure first, I still do the massage but exchange the massage cream for the moisturiser which is the same brand as my tan. I don't massage up the arms, just keep it to the hands.

I do everything in the manicure except painting.....

Then... I tan them.... wipe over their nails with a wipe

Then... they come back to the nail station for their polish.

Yep thats what i would do too!
I'd manicure first, nails should be protected ideally when tanning but ideally - do a gelish manicure!
Thanks for the advice. I think I will go with a full manicure using the tan brand moisturiser then spray, then polish after.


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