Mobile - are there any signs that would make you not want to go into a house?


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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2009
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South Yorkshire
As a mobile technician, are there any signs that would make you not want to go into a house?

And, have you ever been in a situation where you've needed to get out of a house? If so, how did you deal with it?

Ive never been in the situation but as part of my social work degree i have been on personal safety training and they said to stand at the door for 30 seconds talking to the person before entering, if its a new client agree to speak to someone a certain time in or they call you at a certain time to check that you are ok or finished and out of the house.

Hope this helps

I went to a house to do a spray tan, it was a big farmhouse in the middle of nowhere and it was dark. I pulled up the drive and outside were 3 men and a big alsatian dog. I introduced myself and they said the client was upstairs waiting in the bathroom and to go on up. I felt really uneasy, so asked them to put the dog away and for the client to come down to the door. They were very nice, I did the spray tan and afterwards one of the men apologised because he suddenly realised how intimidating they must have seemed. I think you have to use common sense and a bit of gut instinct!
i don't have any advice to give as i'm still learning but i just wanted to say that the post that Blissful made give me shivers. i honestly don't know how i would handle that at all! x
As a mobile technician, are there any signs that would make you not want to go into a house?

And, have you ever been in a situation where you've needed to get out of a house? If so, how did you deal with it?

To be honest, the fact that it is a house and I don't know who is behind the door would be enough for me ... I wouldn't work mobile for anything. And a referral would be a must from another client.

I simply would not put myself in the position where I would have to 'handle' getting out of a house.
To be honest, the fact that it is a house and I don't know who is behind the door would be enough for me ... I wouldn't work mobile for anything. And a referral would be a must from another client.

I simply would not put myself in the position where I would have to 'handle' getting out of a house.

I'm afraid I feel the same - I thought it was just me!!

I'm afraid I feel the same - I thought it was just me!!

I'm sure we are not the only two. There are many other things that would totally put me off being mobile a well. Let me think of a few:

1. Humping stuff around
2. Working around a persons children, telephone, tea time etc etc
3. Not working at my own work station and in totally unideal conditions
4. Unpacking and packing up every client
5. Driving to a house only to find the person is not at home
I could go on.

Give me my own space, my own routine, my own cozy salon and my own rules plus the extra money I make from being in my own set up and seeing more people per day than anyone can do being mobile.
Must say I hate mobile for the above reasons, but I have done the odd client when needed and I would give the following advice:

ALWAYS have a second diary at home with addresses and times in it so your family know of your movements.

ALWAYS have a spare mobile phone hidden on your person in case of an emergency

have a number on speed dial that you can call in an emergency

ALWAYS go with you gut instinct if it doesn't feel right turn straight back around!

However remember incidents are few and far between and some mobile therapists make a good living but its better to be safe than sorry! x
On top of all the reasons mentioned, I think the cost of petrol at the moment is enough alone to put me off!! x
To be honest I have been mobile for a year and a half, and I find that most of my clients have been referals. I also live in a small town where every one knows every one so being mobile is fine for me takes me 5 mins to get from each house, so in these circumstances its ideal. I dont know how I would feel about doing it in an area where there was alot of crime, I know there is crime everywhere so I think it depends on where you will be going, or where your shop is, i mean you could have some one come in to the shop and do an armed robbery or something so I think where ever you are you need to be saftey conciouse. I would leave immediatly if, they had dangerouse dogs, seemed dunk, had random people coming in and out. So I always have a chat first and see where they live etc. You need to know your area like the back of your hand realy I think to be moble. Or you realy dont have a clue where you are going, and dont end up in a place known for alot of muggings etc, becuse remember you will be walking to and from your car sometimes at night xxxxxxxxxx
I am trying to start up mobile so this is quite scary lol. Ive worked in retail before and been in really bad situations, and luckily I didnt panic and got myself through with no problems. But that is only due to quick thinking and going on gut instinct! I will definatly use gemsie1983's advice with the 2nd diary thing, I never thought of that.
I'm sure we are not the only two. There are many other things that would totally put me off being mobile a well. Let me think of a few:

1. Humping stuff around
2. Working around a persons children, telephone, tea time etc etc
3. Not working at my own work station and in totally unideal conditions
4. Unpacking and packing up every client
5. Driving to a house only to find the person is not at home
I could go on.

Give me my own space, my own routine, my own cozy salon and my own rules plus the extra money I make from being in my own set up and seeing more people per day than anyone can do being mobile.

Amen...all the reasons and more I am not going mobile. I HAVE to have my own work area, quiet, organization etc. You just cannot get that in someone else's home. That, and for some reason I would feel much more in control in my own area, I set the rules. It's difficult to be confident in someone else's space.
As a mobile technician, are there any signs that would make you not want to go into a house?

And, have you ever been in a situation where you've needed to get out of a house? If so, how did you deal with it?

I once had a phone call from a lady for a spray tan she said i want me and my boyfriend to be done i booked them in when i got to the house it was a flat i sat in my car for 5 mins i had a bad feeling about it as just didnt like the look of it
Normally i don't have a prob but something told me not to go in.
One of my friends who does tans had a call from them and her friend lived next door she told her friend she was going.
And she said dont go as the boyfriend as been done for going to hair salons and showing his bits to the hairdresser
she told me and i was so glad i didnt go in :o
I couldn't work mobile for random strangers, I would feel uneasy doing this but I would feel uneasy entering strangers properties for any job.

Lots do it though without problems :)
All those reasons stand for me too! but other girls love it, there is always clients that need home visits.

I would start a self defence class and a class on assertion/confidence.

The above geek (cant remember who wrote it) turned that situation around to make her feel comfortable and put it on her terms, in the end that worked for her because she didnt run a mile and loose a client and she didnt just go in and possibly put herself in danger. A good way of handling those situations, brilliant!
Financially some people have to do mobile and its a way of getting clients before starting your own salon. Anyway I would certainly let other people know where you are and perhaps get a friend to call you at some point during the treatment to make sure everything is ok. I think you just have to be vigilant. It can be just the same when strange people come into your home, those of us with home beauty rooms.
My two german shepherds and my yorskhire terrier puppy, who thinks he's a german shepherd bark when anyone knocks at the door. So people are fully aware they are around. I obviously would never let the dogs out, but I know if I screamed for my life the 2 would get out of the door and be up those stairs before I had time to put the polish bottle down.

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