The clawing is totally normal hun,
They also like to jump up and cling to your leg when you least expect it..
Like walking down the stairs half asleep first thing of a morning :green:,
He will have playfighted a lot with his bro's and sisters, its their main form of entertainment...
I know mine will even fight imaginary objects...wiggling their little bums, then pouncing at absolutely nothing !
How come you have him so early ?
I re-homed my 3 last night...we have kept one of them.
Dave his name is

So a grand total of 5 cats for me now...~~Emms shakes head~~
If he needs spoon feeding still...continue to do it,
But say for instance you are holding him on your knee to do it, gradually bring him closer and closer down to the bowl, with the spoon,
Eventually just place the spoon onto the bowl so he can get used to feeding properly hun.
I found my kitten in my sac of dog food last night.....a
15kg bag of dog food

lol...He was having a whale of a time :lol: