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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
East Lothian
hello can you please have a look at my website and give me feedback, i have went throught it with a fine thooth comb but i still fell its missing something?

any feedback would be much appreciated :)

Boutiques Mobile Beauty
Can't comment on your services or prices as i'm no expert on that. But the header is rather off-putting, its very pixellated (blocky) and a little too large, the tagline is a bit lost on top of the picture also. If you reduce your logo in size it'll probably help.

Incidentally- did you pay for the picture/photo?

i have permission from yolasite to use this picture, i emailed them when i first set up my free website with them and they said it was fine to use it on other material, i have been meaning to reduce he size of the header i just havent gotten round to it wil do it now

Thank you
Hiya- you might want to check that, as i'm not sure its down to Yolasite to give permission.

It's a Shutterstock owned image Beautiful Woman`S Open Eye. Pink Feathers On Background. Stock Photo 9355243 : Shutterstock

Yolasites would have paid them for a certain amount of uses for it- and I'd assume, its only for your site. (not that its only your site that's got that image- theres actually hundreds- I mean they would only be able to use it for the web..not in print)
The Welcome page has a few errors. "Would love a facial but don't have time?" "Well no need to stress any longer.." "No more going in to the cold after a massage.."

On the About Boutiques Mobile Beauty page, you need to change the i to "I provide treatments to the following areas..."

About Your Therapist page has a couple of errors too. Being picky, you need to place a space between the comma and "I have been in the beauty industry..." line.

Telford College I presume should be in capitals.

Again there is another i that needs to be I on the second paragraph down.

Third paragraph, Musselburgh needs to be capitalised.
Fourth paragraph, Prestonpans needs to be capitalised too.
Also meant is misspelt and should be meant.

Fifth paragraph, beauty industry is misspelt and another two i's need to be changed to I.

On the Loyalty page, there is a spelling mistake in the third paragraph: "To show how much your custom...". Also the How It Works on the page looks a little off and to the left.

I think you just need to go through and look at your punctutation and spelling. There are words that need to be capitalised, and others that are that don't really need to be. I think to make a site look professional, all these things need to be taken into consideration.

I think the black and white logos need to be made a bit smaller too, so everything is balanced.

I feel like all I've left is negative remarks, but it is a good site and you can tell you have put a lot of time and effort putting it together. Thumbs up! :)
Hello thank you for all your feedback

Extensionize - i will check this, i did not realise that this belongs to shuttershock!!

:: Claire :: hank you so much for going through it, i had checked it but when it is your own mistakes it hard to point them out!! :irked: i have now made all the changes to the page :)

thank you again :hug:
Just a question when you were doing your website where did you get the inspiration from when you wrote the wording for your welcome page was it from googling other peoples websites?!
Hi hun

You need to look at it with a fresh pair of eyes as there are lots of spelling mistakes, is there any way you can copy and paste to word document to do a spell check, there are some fundamental mistakes throughout. Also, look at the actual layout especially of the treatment page, there needs to be some changes there too; spacing etc. The page is a little too long, so either have a back to the top button or make the page shorter. Hope this helps
Can't comment on your services or prices as i'm no expert on that. But the header is rather off-putting, its very pixellated (blocky) and a little too large, the tagline is a bit lost on top of the picture also. If you reduce your logo in size it'll probably help.

Incidentally- did you pay for the picture/photo?

Well spotted, Carl - the header is very pixellated; it looks as though "anti-alias" wasn't switched on on whatever graphics package that was created in.
Hiya- you might want to check that, as i'm not sure its down to Yolasite to give permission.

It's a Shutterstock owned image Beautiful Woman`S Open Eye. Pink Feathers On Background. Stock Photo 9355243 : Shutterstock

Yolasites would have paid them for a certain amount of uses for it- and I'd assume, its only for your site. (not that its only your site that's got that image- theres actually hundreds- I mean they would only be able to use it for the web..not in print)

Yep - be very careful about using stock photos without permission or paying for a licence - you might end up with a big bill for damages for breach of copyright. Did you find the pic from a Google Image Search? As you really shouldn't just use pics you like from Google Image Search, as you'll end up playing Russian Roulette as to if the pic is owned by a big stock photo company like Getty Images or Corbis Images - both of whom are known to send demands for damages of hundreds of pounds if they find one of their images used on a website without a licence...
Ruth could you just clarify for me please .....If someone has taken large amounts of text from my website without my permission and put it onto their website would this be infringement of copyright?? :mad:and if so what can I do about it?..............Thanks Loads in advance
Ruth could you just clarify for me please .....If someone has taken large amounts of text from my website without my permission and put it onto their website would this be infringement of copyright?? :mad:and if so what can I do about it?..............Thanks Loads in advance

Yes that would be breach of copyright too. Best thing to do in that instance is to get a solicitor to send them a "CEASE AND DESIST" letter - mentioning the Copyright, Designs & Patents Act, and giving them a deadline by which they must remove the offending text from their website, or legal action against them will commence; that should put the fear of God into them LOL...
Yes that would be breach of copyright too. Best thing to do in that instance is to get a solicitor to send them a "CEASE AND DESIST" letter - mentioning the Copyright, Designs & Patents Act, and giving them a deadline by which they must remove the offending text from their website, or legal action against them will commence; that should put the fear of God into them LOL...

Thankyou Ruth youre a star as always........ The person in question will undoubtedly read this and hopefully remove her I mean MY wording from her website.....and if not then I will take the action you have advised Ta Muchly :hug:
I would personally get rid of the "about your therapist" & either just have one "welcome" page or "welcome" & "about me".
I always think it is better to introduce yourself on the first page the client reads. I didnt find out your name until the third page. - But that is just my personal perferance, others may disagree.

On the treatment page "eyebrow tidy" just needs to be moved over a bit to fit underneath the above wording.

Well done for getting all those testimonials for a new website that amount is brilliant! :)
Hello thank you for your feedback,

a friend that does graphic design helped me with my wording and put it onto my webpage! i am at the moment going throught it and changing and deleting things as there is a bit to much on the page

Ruth: no i did not get this image from google i had a website with yola and that was one of there themes, and once i had set the page up using it i asked if i could use it for other things as it does say on there website thats its images made up for them, i think i will buy the licence to use the photo just in case
how do i fix the burryness on the logo?? i have tried and cannot

thank you emma for your ideas

i am still working on it and hopefully i will get it right.
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Hello thank you for your feedback,

a friend that does graphic design helped me with my wording and put it onto my webpage! i am at the moment going throught it and changing and deleting things as there is a bit to much on the page

I would question them as to where they got the wording from because it looks like they have copied and pasted it from MY WEBSITE!! bar the spelling and punctuation and obviously your business name it is exactly the same!!!!!!!!!!!............Thats a huge coincidence that somebody could come up with EXACTLY the same wording!!..............
As with images, appropriating text from third-parties without permission is illegal. Fair enough if you've done either by accident- but with a new site it's really not the best place to start!

I'd strongly suggest you-

1. Check again with Yolasites about the legality of using that picture. And keep any emails/documentation from them.

2. Remove any text that may or may not have been "borrowed" by your friend.

Incidentally, you ask how to remove the blurryness from your logo. Well, unless you have decent graphics software and know how to use it - then you can't. It'd be like me asking how to get professional looking nails when I don't have either the technology or, importantly, the know-how. Im not saying you need to be a professional graphic designer to get these things right, but theres a limit to what you can do with bog-standard software and a lack of skills- without it looking "home-made".

But as the header is the first thing people see (and first impressions count- in this industry more than any other) and it contains your logo/branding- then it should be sorted out- so, if you've no-one to do it for you...I'd simply choose another more simple (smaller) font.
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I have email diamond girl to discuss the wording and i will be having serious words with my friend, i had a site with yola and i asked them to use the wording i had and expand it,

I will check with yola again and purchase the picture just incase anyway!

hopefully i will get my website the way i want it with MY OWN wording!! :irked:
i am taking control of this from now on! :)

Thank you all again :hug:

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