Nail patella syndrome


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Jun 19, 2009
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rupert Idaho
Hi guys!

I'm having a bit of an issue that really isn't surprising at all. Yesterday I had a client come in with extremely deformed thumb nails wanting a full set of acrylics. I wasnt sure what exactly was wrong with them, but I decided to put acrylic on them anyway, as she had said that its something shes had since birth, and that she has gotten acrylic on them before. I honestly knew that they would come off because the natural nail was so oddly structured that there was no way anything could ever stick to them. I advised her they would come off, and she agreed saying that they always "fall off"
I did a bit of research, and from the pictures it appears to be nail patella syndrome. The client called me today and said that they are coming off, and that she feels I should repair them complimentary as they only lasted 24 hours. None of her other nails are lifting or having the same issue, so I dont feel that I should have to repair them every single time they come off, which could be DAILY!!
Does anyone know anything about nail patella, or "fongs disease"? I'm not even sure if I should be putting acrylic on them, so I'm a bit worried. I honestly dont have the knowledge to be working with this sort of nail. What I mean is, I'm not sure if its possible that acrylic can even adhere and stay on this type of nail, and if it is possible, will someone please advise me on this?
Thank you!
It's just like nail shedding. Really only skin to build the nail on. No, I don't think you should repair it FOC. She knows the problem. If she wants to have a nail on her thumb then you have created one that fits perfectly so she can just pop it back with some adhesive as there can't be a bind that will last for any time.

I am well acquainted with Nail Patella Syndrome (NPS) as I have it myself. Only my thumb nails are affected, but NPS can affect all fingers and toes. From time to time I do get acryllics put on. How effectively they stay on will depend on how much nail the individual has to adhere the glue. In my case, I have about 5/8 of the nail intact so it works okay. Many people with NPS don't have a nail at all. I would think that if you cautioned this individual about the fact that the nail won't stay on due to not having a proper nail to glue it on to, you should not have to be liable for replacing it every time it flicks off.
Thank you gals SO much! I've spoken with her, and have advised that she carry a bottle of nail glue in her purse at all times. She completely understands that no matter what I do, I cannot make acrylics adhere to her thumbs. I did find out however, that her son has NPS in his elbows (not his thumbs)! I told her that I wasnt a doctor, and that I dont have the credentials to diagnose the syndrome, but that I've read online that theres a 50% chance that if you have NPS, then your children will have it as well.
SO Joanne, do your thumbs ever lift or come off? Just wondering.
My friends (3 sisters and all their kids) have NPS and nearly all of them gave had their knee caps replaced or pulled back into their proper place! It affects one of the sisters, Helen, I have done her nails a few she only gas about a quarter of her thumb nails, so not much to adhere to, but I have sculpted acrylic onto the thumb but only done them short so there's no free edge for her to catch and ping off! She is happy just to have a decent looking thumb nail even though it's shorter than the rest, I always warn her that it might come off but luckily they've always lasted really well :) maybe short is the answer

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