Pro Beauty Dublin Nail Competion


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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2003
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Sidcup, Kent

I only got back in the early hours of this morning so i am shattered but a very happy girl!

It was the best competition for me with over 100 entries! The new everyday extensions and pedicure categories were really popular.

The competiton area was downstairs as we has so many entrants, we would not have fitted them in upstairs. We had lots of positive feedback from competitors and we had overwhelming support from the new owners, Expo Events which made it a great comp for all who were there.

Congratulations to all who entered and won. Tracey Boon (1st and 2nd) and Belinda Price (2 x 1st) were there to represent England so a special well done from me. Tracey took 2nd place and Belinda took 1st place in Best International Tech so it was a great comp for them to. :)

All results will be posted asap on the pro Beauty website.
I was there at the comps both days,and i have to say it was fantastic!!!!
It was held in a huge open everyone passing by could see what was going on - there was at least 4 categories going on at any one time so lots to see and look at for people going to the exhibition.
In my opinion the comp arena should be in the CENTRE of all exhibitions so it would encourage everyone to look and maybe have a go the next time.

One category called Everyday Extensions was a brilliant idea,completely new here-( you probably have had this for years in the UK -lol )
You had 1 1/2 hours to do a full set,basically the way you always do in the salon , white tips if you like ,base coat ,top coat solar oil , the lot.!!
I have no idea how many went into that but it looked like loads.
There were no delays with results, competitors had prizes and certs for all who competed bang on 4 o clock! Hats off to Rachel and Sue-it went like clockwork. These two could be politicians !!!!
Every one seemed to be happy and relaxed and i believe the standards were very high.
Congratulations to all and especially to some of the girls from the UK who made such a huge effort to come over and WIN!!
We couldnt have done it without you guys! The team from CNA in Ireland were "grand" (My new Irish word!) They spent the 2 days running round like headless chickens judging, adding score sheets, arranging prizes and lots more! Always smiling and giving us a giggle with Irish words! It was so good to have quality judges in the team. We were all well looked after by Expo with our own judging room and seperate lunch room so it made our job more relaxed. But as Karen said, what a fab comp it was, and you guys made it so much better!

So, to the Creative Nail Acadamy team in Ireland, Karen, Marina, Eve and Kerri --- a massive THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what about the techs that wanted to buy products at the show, I was so dissapointed that a major company like NSI was not at the show.

I was also dissapointed that Creative weren't there either, but i understand why they weren't.

I use NSI products... i look forward to the Dublin show all year. Its great to meet fellow NSI users and have a chat as I am a lonely mobile NSI user from Wexford. Can anyone imagine how i felt when i got to the show, walked around it twice, then realised that my supplier was not there at all. :irked::confused::cry:

Doesn't seem right to me, or am I wrong to feel this way?
That is a shame as some of the top companies were not there.
The Creative guys were in the comp room with me for 2 days so they didnt have a stand.

The only suggestion i could make for the future is before you go, check the exhibitors lists on the websites, that will tell you who is going to be there. Sorry, i know that is not much consulation now, but i hope you still had a good time.
Thanks for the advice, i'll do that next time.

It's just that as a NSI tech, i really think NSI should have been there selling and supporting their Techs.

When I rang NSI to ask them why they weren't there, i was told that they are going to Manchester next week and didn't have time to go to both shows. But surely they won't be able to sell to their Irish customers from Manchester. NSI England will be covering that show surely?

Sorry to moan, but felt a little let down.
Well done Rachel and everyone else involved in organising what I heard was a great show. Tracey was really delighted with her placings. I was sorry not to have made it this year but roll on next year!
Thanks for the advice, i'll do that next time.

It's just that as a NSI tech, i really think NSI should have been there selling and supporting their Techs.

When I rang NSI to ask them why they weren't there, i was told that they are going to Manchester next week and didn't have time to go to both shows. But surely they won't be able to sell to their Irish customers from Manchester. NSI England will be covering that show surely?

Sorry to moan, but felt a little let down.

I know exactly how you feel! I always check the exhibit list now as I too have been let down at previous shows. It is very frustrating when they say they will be at..... say Manchester so not at Earls Court for instance. I love to go to the shows, you get to handle and see the products and try them out as well as bulk buy and discout opportunities. Buying from catalogues is not as good as seeing and trying it at a show. Even if they just had a small stand it would be very much appreciated!
Well done Rachel and Sue !! I bet that was a long hard few months of prep as well as a long weekend of hard work. All us nail peeps really appreciate you both. I hope your families did not suffer too much and I am sure they too are really proud of you!

Time now to chill out !
Thanks Debbie. Yes it was a bit hectic in the weeks leading up to Dublin, but we did it! With over 100 competitors it was v v busy. But as usual the Dublin team make us really welcome and as Rachel said we even got a full lunch AND croissants mid morning with tea and coffee on tap which makes our lives much easier as we don't get time to get off the floor to go in search of coffee stands and then wait in the Q for 10 mins!!

Our families do OK but of course they'd rather have us mums there too. Just adds to the planning and checklists before we leave. Have they got their PE kits and uniform ready for the Monday etc. But it is worth it.

Karen and the CND team - thanks for your comments. I will return the sentiments you have posted. It was great to see you and thanks for all the help and support you gave to Rachel and me.

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