First I would do my banking, and pick up sandwiches for lunch and a pint of milk whilst in the high street.
Then I'd start cleaning - floors, basins, dusting, waxpots, etc etc. and probably take the oppotunity to re-arrange all the retail stock on my shelves to make it look more interesting. Top up all the surgical spirit/witch hazel/steritane/n v remover dispensers too and cotton wool square containers.
Then I'd discuss ideas for future promotions with the girl who I work with, and we'd make a list of what we come up with.
Then there's always stock to order, or even unpack, phone calls to make, little errands to do with the salon.
Sometimes a '' quiet '' day can be a blessing, it gives me time just to catch up and be organised. Just so long as there aren't TOO many of them . . . !