Reached my goal weight!


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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Chesterfield, Derbyshire
Hi guys

I know this is not nails related but I just wanted to share my excitement with you, I have now lost 46 lbs with weight watchers and now weigh in at

9 stone 13 lbs

beating my goal weight of 10 stone, I have been overweight for the last 12 years of my life (since 16) and have never been a size 12 before (my wedding dress was a size 20, 4 years ago) and I am loving it!!!

Sorry to boast but this is something amazing for me and I just needed to share it with you all cos you have all been so nice and helpful with me since I joined.

Another fab thing is that I have had two new clients over the past week from leaflets that I have dropped in my area and at the weight watchers meeting (£'s off for lbs's off offer!)

So thats my first ever business started with two lovely new clients and a lovely size 12 uniform (did I mention I was a size 12 lol!!!!!!)

loving everybody right now!!
Well done to you it is worth all the hard work - I know how that feels - keep it off now and don't slip down the slope like I did - you have inspired me I will get back on my diet but from tomorrow. Well done again.
Noz said:
Well done to you it is worth all the hard work - I know how that feels - keep it off now and don't slip down the slope like I did - you have inspired me I will get back on my diet but from tomorrow. Well done again.
I know what you mean, my little handbook says I can add another 4 points onto my daily allowance, but there is no way I can bring myself to do it, I figure if I loiter around the same points or a couple more max for now, until I actually trust myself.
A great big huge WELL DONE!!!!! to you Sammylou!!

I know how hard it is to lose weight, i did try the weight watchers thing last year, i only had about a stone to lose but i just couldnt stick to it, i think i was being too strict on myself so the 1/2 stone i lost i put back on plus another few pounds!!

To lose 46lbs is fantastic, so i really think i should get back on track with my diet, well done agian!

Hey well done you!!! I'm always amazed and gobsmacked by anyone who has the willpower to lose alot of weight, the lure of McDonalds is too strong a pull for me I'm afraid :rolleyes: Good on ya chick! Jxx
Jo Jo said:
Hey well done you!!! I'm always amazed and gobsmacked by anyone who has the willpower to lose alot of weight, the lure of McDonalds is too strong a pull for me I'm afraid :rolleyes: Good on ya chick! Jxx
Hon, I have at least one McDonalds a week and a chinese every Friday night, I am also keeping Maltesers in business!! lol
Well done, i have been on many diets and am still on one at the moment. It is a hard slog sometimes but you have definately inspired me to keep going.:D
that is seriously brilliant - well done - what stamina!!! No wonder you are crowing - I sure would be if I was you - YOU GO GIRL FRIEND!!!
Well done!!!!!!!!! keep up the good work!!! i struggle alot with my weight and my problem is not having enough time to go to the gym (although i know i should) and this site!!!!!!!!!!!i get home from work and do abit of studying and before you know it I find myself sat here drinking wine:cry:
I'm rejoining my slimming club and i'm going to do it.....i know i can cos done it before and i used to be a slimming consultant:eek: but I'm really really pleased for you, what an acheivment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!well done again:D :D :D
WEll DONE TO YOU !!!!!!!!!
I know you must be so pleased..........
Faye aka nailsinlondon2 lost 4 stone last year and she was so chuffed..........
but then found out shortly after geting in those size 12 jeans that she was pregnand with twins.................
now she has got a huge belly and a huge smile on her face.............
She soon will loose her weight with 2 babies to look after............

But well done babe !!!!!!
Aw well done babe!!! thanks for making me feel guilty hahahha only kiddin i keep on about losing weight now i have to get on with it, well done babe for the kick up the bum. i know how great it feels when you finally arrive at your target weight i got to mine on my wedding day (luckly) so i was double chuffed! only thing is i hadnt treid my dress on for two weeks and guess where the weight had gone from!! jeeze you should have seen the panic !!!!!! hehehe good job my mate had some of those handy fake ****s to pad me out in :green: must start diet on monday must start diet on monday .......... :lol:

You really deserve to be happy and hey, you are making us all feel like there is no such thing as just the one, or tomorrow for that matter. Just be careful and enjoy the clothes and attention. I too lost a lot of weight and then put on a couple of pounds and another few, my mum said to sort it out then and there, but did I!!!! I am now suffering with four stone to lose and a £500 bet with my boyfriend that I will do it by new years eve. Oh well, we all need something to focus on dont we.

Keep at it
Well Done

So pleased for you, glad to hear something good.
Now you keep up the great work, you hear...................
hi i am so pleased for you ,it is ace when you lose the weight aint it ,i went to weight watchers after i had my son coz i was massive when i had him,and i felt great even though i never got to my target weight,(i felloff the wagon) but i did lose most of it ,but when i stopped going i put it all back on,and a bit more,so today i have just been and bought a machine to help me get a bit back in shape for my holiday,i will start my diet again(after the box of chocs!!) congratulations love dee
Well Done on this personal acheivement - I understand i flutuated all my teen years from an 18 to a size 10, they should rename me many congratulations I am really pleased for you...atb Louise
Well Done !!!!:) Its taken me 2 years to shift 40lbs and i know how your feeling. It only happen's to other people!

Great job, the key is going to the gym!

Happy size 12 did say 12


Perfect Pinkies
sammylou said:
I know this is not nails related but I just wanted to share my excitement with you, I have now lost 46 lbs with weight watchers and now weigh in at

9 stone 13 lbs
Sammylou that is absolutely fantastic - well done you and how cool too that its also given you the opportunity to acquire some new clients - now that's a place I hadn't thought of for a leaflet drop - you must be feeling on top of the world!!

congrats! very happy for you!!!
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