Reaction from threading!


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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Guys,

need you advice or knowledge. I have a client who has been bleaching her top lip hair for years, then decided to give threading ago to remove the hair.
so we threaded the upper lip i cleansed the area threaded it and put after wax lotion on, everything looked fine. but when she came back for he next appointment she said she came up in lots of white heads that took ages to go and some were still healing a month later. (we have done it twice since just to see if it gets better over time)

she said she put anti histemin cream on and kept it clean, she hasnt picked the spots. she even tried taking an anti histemin tablet before coming and used tea tree and witch hazel. i dont know what else to suggest that will help or whats causing the spots, or is it just a case of not doing it any more.

any help gratefully received

sorry i'm not much help. but i get this from waxing my upper lip...
thats why i turned to threading to stop it, (it worked)
wierd that it has happened to your client.. hope you find the answer x
To be honest, this reaction is very comon in hair removal, esp the face, and the main cause is bacteria. This in most cases is the result from the client touching the area afterwards. When ever I do hair removal I always STRESS to my clients not to apply anything else to the area for the next 12-24 hours, no sauna steam sunbed or sweating and NO TOUCHING.x
Personally, I always get this reaction if a post wax treatment is applied after warm or hot waxing or threading. If nothing is put on afterwards I am fine. But even if tea tree or witch hazel etc is used I break out in the area treated.
Personally, I always get this reaction if a post wax treatment is applied after warm or hot waxing or threading. If nothing is put on afterwards I am fine. But even if tea tree or witch hazel etc is used I break out in the area treated.

Another excellent point, some people get foliculitis, and are best off having nothing.
HI.I'ts unusual for threading but it sounds to me it was a reaction to the afterwax lotion. ive seen people react to the t-tree lotion , also the skin can be funny from bleaching for years as well it can make it super sensitive.
I would think that it's more a problem of the product getting into the follicles, than of the actual threading itself. As others have said I wouldn't use any product, it's not necessary,and advise your client to avoid touching the area.
I've had threading done for years in my friends kitchen, done very expertly by asian girls who have been doing it for years before it became fashionable.

They never used a cream or lotion on my face afterwards, think the lotion was the cause.
if your client has being bleaching over a long period of time, the skin will become senstised the skin can become very thin. also there is a high rsik that the skins immune system has become afected, Langehan cells this in turn can turn on a histamine response. touching the area and using unclean thread can also be a factor but i think the skin has become over sentised, advice stay:) out of the sun use a sun block calm the area down before treatment aloe gel and no make -up
hope this helps
hi, thanks for all your advice greatly receieved

can i ask why the tea tree may have caused a reaction to the skin? as the threading pulls the hair out of the follicle, the same as waxing does. i know it doesnt take of dead skin like waxing does.

i have done her threading without tea tree cream and just used cold compresses instead after but still got the same results.

Can i suggest that you use Aloe Vera Gel to finish off the treatment, it has cooling, antiseptic properties, i use the gel and my clients love it!

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