Really fed up - what did I do wrong?


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Jul 16, 2005
Reaction score
New Zealand
Can someone help me?
I did my first backfill last night on a set of acrylic nails.
I filed and filed and filed for over an hour and had only done two fingers.
This lady had nails that had grown really fast in the two weeks since she had them and there was quite a bit of lifting. But I just couldn't seem to get rid of the lift and it felt almost as if I was filing with a blunt file.
Can someone give me some tips on what I was doing wrong?
It eventually took me 3 hours to do her nails but I know that I've not filed away all the lifting and that she's going to be calling me in a day or two.
I'm so fed up as I just couldn't do it and I don't know why.
Dont despair chuck. Have a good read of the thread below on Geegs tips for doing a good file procedure during a rebalance. Take your time reading it and try to visualise yourself doing it they way she describes and you will learn loads.
Good luck

I read the link - that has helped a lot - thanks Cameo Val.
I took the plunge and called this lady yesterday and she sounded really fed up with her nails - and I can't say that I blame her!
She said that they were lifting at the edges and she has filed them down (don't know if this is a good idea - a bit of DIY repair?). She said that she has caught one and that two are lifting badly.
Anyway - I said that I will go and see her on Tuesday eve. and I'm dreading what I'm going to find. I know that I done a cr*p job on them and its really knocked my confidence.
When I was on my training course we didn't do a rebalance or a backfill - we just read about it. I have called my trainer and she has done one of my nails for me 1-2-1 but she is so good and made it look so easy.
I feel liek giving this lady her money back and saying -"go and get it done properly"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any pointers would really be appreciated.

Who did you train with, i'm sure they will be willing to give you another 121 to sort out your problems.

If you are spending most of your time filing it sounds as though you are applying to much product, this can also cause lifting.

Check your prep and application, and keep practising. Try offering reduced rates for your clients if you feel you are not up to scratch yet. Explain that you are doing this to gain more experience and not to improve your technique as this will discourage clients. you will soon find that with this extra practice you will soon be turning aout fab nails.

One last thing, try using a new file for rebalances.
Good advice mamma!
Thanks for that. I am already offering them at a reduced rate - there's no way that I could charge full price!

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