Self employed and worried


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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2011
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I have been self employed since June, and have done a few clients each week. For the last 2 weeks I have been working from a salon 4 days a week.

In those 2 weeks I have had 3 clients no turn up for appts and 4 clients turn up late (20-30 mins)
I have just sat down and gone through how much I have made :( I've not made enough to cover the childminder. I have 2 children and they have been with the childminder 6 days over 2 weeks.
I also live 20 miles away from the salon. I'm really worried that I'll never be able to cover the cost of the childminder or my petrol to see a profit.

I know it's only 2 weeks in, but I'm panicking thinking I will have to go back to admin work mon to fri and end up being bored and depressed again.

Can anyone give me advice on what I can do??

I'm so worried about money I've hardly slept and have hardly eaten all week.

Leely x
Have u checked if u can claim child tax/workin tax credits xx
Take a deep breath, 2 weeks really is no time. You are renting space if I remember rightly?

If that's the case, I would be inclined to reconsider your position just for the time being, renting is a big step and if you have no funds in reserve to cover your outlays over the first few months minimum, as you settle in then you are heading for trouble. I know it's not what you want to hear but it's said with kindness; you have 2 options. Either you invest more in advertising everywhere, promote like a mad thing, eat, sleep and breathe it until you get more people through the door. Or you take a step back, leave your current salon, go mobile and build your client base from there until you can find a better location and you've built up some savings to carry you through a transition into another salon.

Personally, I would go for the 2nd option as there is less risk and more potential for fitting around your children.

Good luck x
It's a % split between me and salon.

We have had an advert in one local paper every day this week and then the other major local paper today with a competition and money off voucher.

I placed adverts on all free website on my days off to help promote me and salon x

Leely x
Have u checked if u can claim child tax/workin tax credits xx

I'm waiting for the paperwork to be sent to me, to see if I can claim anything x

Leely x
Stick at it, Rome wasn't built in a day!!! Go to CAB and see if your entitled to any help while your starting up!!! Get a Facebook page set up, and every spare second you have, spend it adding people, advertising, uploading pics... Same with twitter and Instagram!!! They are free, and they are at your disposal on any smartphone, when someone is late or no show- get on and advertise!!!! You can do it hon, stick with it, it will come good!
Is there an area near by you could leaflet drop when its quiet? As above twitter, facebook etc. Is there a shop window to advertise in? A board outdide the shop? Xx
I have a Facebook page from when I was mobile and have about 211 likes, the salon has one too with about 409 likes. Both have twitter and I have set up an Instagram for myself also.
I try to set as many status at once on Facebook so I don't have to keep logging on. Twitter I don't use as much as possible but should try more.
My website is now linked to the salons website.
I have had leaflets made up and loyalty cards by Carl and Banner penguin.
As you said "Rome was not built on a day" :)
I suppose I have everything already in place I am just so worried and thought it would take off sooner than it would. I know it will take a while for business to pick up.

Thank you all for your advice and for taking the time to reply xx

Leely x
Apart form trying to find somewhere closer to home so your not traveling so far to work (which I suggested last week) I would suggest you try to work your hours so you don't need to pay a childminder.

Could you maybe just work a few hours each day while they are at school until you get busier or work in the evenings when a family member is home to watch them for you?
Defo see if you can claim tax credits! I'm sure you must be entitled to something! I'm considering being self employed too but also have young children so I can imagine the stress! As others have said see if you can adjust your work hours around childminding so you don't need to spend as much.
Give it more time but at the same time know when to change your tactcs! Don't get so stressed not your losing sleep honestly. If your feeling that stressed then maybe change direction as others have said and go mobile? Less overheads and you can still keep your existing clients xxx
Neither of the children are at school, they are 2&half and 10 months.
The salon is open till 8 Monday to Friday. So I will work 4 days from there. I never made much money from doing it mobile near where I lived as there were so many other people offering the same treatments.
I am awaiting the paper work for child tax credits. So hopefully that will be here this week I hope.

Leely x
Go on the website 'entitled to' and do the benefits checker, it will tell you if you are entitled to anything x
Go on the website 'entitled to' and do the benefits checker, it will tell you if you are entitled to anything x

Thank you Marymint, I'll do that now x

Leely x
Go on the website 'entitled to' and do the benefits checker, it will tell you if you are entitled to anything x

Yeah that website has always been spot on for me! You should defo get some help if neither are at school, don't worry things should improve soon! X
Hi Leely,
I know exactly how you're feeling, I too struggle financially but I don't have kids and live with my parents.
I work from home too, my business hasn't picked up yet, although it has improved within the past week.
I think you should stick to it, to me advertising doesn't really work the best way of building a clientele is to do a great job and then it will build by word of mouth!
The only reason why my business is slowly picking up is because I have introduced the newest method of hair extensions and none of the home based/mobile hairdressers/extensionists around my area offer it as a salon. (Except for the salons). Believe in yourself and your business. It will get there slowly but alternatively you could just go mobile and save some cash like the other posters said and then try renting in a new salon (read your other threads).
Try saving money (if you can) and bring new products and exciting other stuff that can't be found anywhere else!
It's a % split between me and salon.

We have had an advert in one local paper every day this week and then the other major local paper today with a competition and money off voucher.

I placed adverts on all free website on my days off to help promote me and salon x

Leely x

Advertise on facebook and do weekly offers. I don't want to worry you further but I have a salon, it has been open almost a year and only for the last 3 months have I even been breaking even. It takes time to build a client list and turn a profit, it won't happen overnight hun x
This does not sound the right way for you at this time. Child care when they are very young is a large expense. I would work from home or go mobile until they are a bit older. Do not work for nothing- it is demoralising and will not pay the bills! Make a USP out of a few treatments that you do really well and you will find it differentiates you from the rest.
I'm pretty shocked reading this thread. Myself, and all the other business owners on here constantly bang on about needing cash to start up, plus cash to see you through the first TWO YEARS.
To try and start up with two Pre-schoolers and no cash is really never going to work, as you've found out. Advertising is expensive, and often doesn't work as quickly as you need it to.
Did you not have a clientele before you started self employed? Do your friends and family support you by enthusiastically sending you clients and using you themselves? Tap those markets first.
I have to agree with the others telling you to cut your losses here. Starting a business with no capital, large childcare costs, and no client base is tough for a child free singleton, let alone someone with other responsibilities. Better to rethink, and save up a cushion of cash before you try again. Use the time to build a clientele to support you, rather than go in client less and hope the salon helps. It's not the salon owners job to build your business, so always expect little, despite what they promise.
I'm not going to give up, as i believe that will not look good giving up after 2 weeks.

The manager has helped a lot with A boards to promote us both, 2 advertisement's in 2 local papers to help bring clients in. The manager has also placed an competition with these papers to bring clients in.

I love gelish , and gelish nail art so i am going to push that for the next 2 weeks to see if i can help bring more clients in.

I know i should have loads of money behind me, but i don't.

Nothing ventured nothing gained. If i have to go back to admin work after a few months of doing this, as least i can say i tried. Which there is no harm in doing. :lol:

I did have a beauty room at home, but our landlord changed their mind about me running a business from home. Hence the reason why i had been looking for a room to use for my business.

I'm hard working and will give it everything i can to help build my client base.

Thank you all for your reply's / comments x :wink2:
I'm pretty shocked reading this thread. Myself, and all the other business owners on here constantly bang on about needing cash to start up, plus cash to see you through the first TWO YEARS.
To try and start up with two Pre-schoolers and no cash is really never going to work, as you've found out. Advertising is expensive, and often doesn't work as quickly as you need it to.
Did you not have a clientele before you started self employed? Do your friends and family support you by enthusiastically sending you clients and using you themselves? Tap those markets first.
I have to agree with the others telling you to cut your losses here. Starting a business with no capital, large childcare costs, and no client base is tough for a child free singleton, let alone someone with other responsibilities. Better to rethink, and save up a cushion of cash before you try again. Use the time to build a clientele to support you, rather than go in client less and hope the salon helps. It's not the salon owners job to build your business, so always expect little, despite what they promise.

I agree with you 100%... these threads are why I always maintain this site should state 'for professionals and opportunists'....

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