I dont have a 10 sec timer so I set my lamp to 2 min and I work on the other hand while the fist one is curing.
Can the base coat be overcured?
I find soaking off very easy but sometimes (esp with lighter colors) I find that there is a tiny bit of base coat that remains on the nail that is kind of difficult to remove even with the pad soaked with acetone.
Not a big deal at all, otherwise I'm totally impressed
Hi Anna,
so glad you are impressed with Shellac
What is your favorite colour so far?
As you know, the recommended time to cure the Shellac UV Base Coat is 10 seconds in either the CND Brisa Lamp or the new CND UV Lamp.
Both these lamps have a 10 second option so I guess you are using a different lamp all together?
If using the CND Brisa Lamp of New CND UV Lamp there would be no problem exposing the Shellac UV Base Coat to extra time in the Lamp, as after the 10 seconds it's cured perfectly and totally stable - you could have it under that lamp for another hour and it would be unaffected. BUT why would anyone do this when the correct lamp has a 10 second timer option?
So, you can't overcure the Shellac Base Coat in the correct Lamp, but you CAN overcure it with the wrong lamp, even in the recommended 10 second time period.
I strongly recommend getting a hold of the appropriate lamp. Using any other Lamp is likely to lead to over/under curing, removal being effected, wearability being compromised, etc.
We promise clients 14 days of flawless wear with Shellac - but you absolutely CAN NOT promise this to your clients if you are breaking the system in this way.
Invest in the new CND UV Lamp, it's so awesome, you'll high five me later
Hope this answers your question Anna,
good luck Shellacing