Should I be given a Key ??????


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Jul 28, 2007
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Downunder Australia
Hi Geeks,:rolleyes:
I have been renting a space within a Beauty Salon and am running MY OWN business from there......however...........The Owner will not give me a key to the Premises and I am losing clients as I can't get in............I believe that as per contract...............I should be able to have access to come and go as I please during the Operational hours of that Salon as stated on my Contract yet the opening hours are from 8.30 am till 6 pm and I always book my first client in at 9 now in case they are late opening but even doing that is the owner has NO clients she may not open the shop till she has an appointment booked..............So my client and I are locked out.........with no prior knowledge............even though I have stated the previous afternoon that I have clients at 9 am............I have gradually built this business up over 7 months but and now my clients are getting angry.....................The Owner will not give me any reason to why she won't give me a Key.............I have asked if it was due to theft, client record cards etc but she won't discuss it and said it is her right and she doesn't have to give me a reason...........I have had keys to Multi-million dollar businesses before without a problem and being a ex-pharmacist.............think my integrity would be beyond this mystifyies me............I do not want to re-locate as I have put my heart and soul into this.............Does anyone out there have any ideas how this can be this is the Owner's first business Venture and she has No Idea..............Have a Great Day everyone :hug:
Hi Geeks,:rolleyes:
I have been renting a space within a Beauty Salon and am running MY OWN business from there......however...........The Owner will not give me a key to the Premises and I am losing clients as I can't get in............I believe that as per contract...............I should be able to have access to come and go as I please during the Operational hours of that Salon as stated on my Contract yet the opening hours are from 8.30 am till 6 pm and I always book my first client in at 9 now in case they are late opening but even doing that is the owner has NO clients she may not open the shop till she has an appointment booked..............So my client and I are locked out.........with no prior knowledge............even though I have stated the previous afternoon that I have clients at 9 am............I have gradually built this business up over 7 months but and now my clients are getting angry.....................The Owner will not give me any reason to why she won't give me a Key.............I have asked if it was due to theft, client record cards etc but she won't discuss it and said it is her right and she doesn't have to give me a reason...........I have had keys to Multi-million dollar businesses before without a problem and being a ex-pharmacist.............think my integrity would be beyond this mystifyies me............I do not want to re-locate as I have put my heart and soul into this.............Does anyone out there have any ideas how this can be this is the Owner's first business Venture and she has No Idea..............Have a Great Day everyone :hug:
........also I get stuck in there if she goes out..........often for hours at a time.............and can't even get to a toilet or get a bite to eat as there is no way I can secure the premises and her cash drawers....I have my own seperate Cash Tin and Appointment Book set-up which is just as well............:!:
You most definatly should have a key.

I think I would be asking her why you should pay rent for premises You can't utilise.
What a ridiculous situation! :eek:

There's you, raring to go and successfully building a good business, and there's her, deliberately being just about as awkward and unhelpful as she can possibly be.

As Beautynails so rightly says, why should you be paying rent for premises you cannot utilise? Not only that but what she is doing is actually detrimental to your business. Of course clients are getting angry.

It sounds like you have already done so but if not, then you really ought to book a time for a meeting with her (not 8.30am haha) and discuss this, letting her know exactly how you feel and that something needs to be done.

I would be looking for other premises hun, though, if she absolutely will not give you a key. :hug: I guess as they are her premises, you cannot MAKE her, (unless it states in your contract that you will be given a key), so after seven months it's time to seriously think where you are going with your own business.

You have done so well, you don't deserve to be messed around like this. I hate to say it, but is her own business floundering a little and she really is a little peeved that yours seems to be doing so well?? A case of sour grapes? :rolleyes:

You can put your heart and soul into it somewhere else. Sounds like you're gonna have to if you want your clients to take you and your business seriously. Good luck.
Your rent should include access to your space. It sounds like she's never rented out her space before; or she just has trust issues. You need to carefully review your rental contract. A rental contract or lease is for your protection too. They usually outline not only the "landlords" rights but your rights too; such as, proper notice of eviction and building access. If your contract says you have access during "open" business hours and she isn't providing you access during those, she's breaking contract.

Make sure you ensure her of your trustworthiness (is that a word?) and that you are helping her out too. By having a key, you can open the shop, get things ready before she even gets there. Also, if you have an early or late appointment, she doesn't have to come in early or stay late. You'll also be there to answer the phones, take her messages, or even book her appointments (if she's interested in you doing so). Basically make it look like this is in HER best interest. Even though you're entitled to a key, using this approach may make the conversation a little easier, and more convincing!

Couldn't you phone someone like Fair trading or the Ombudsman?
........also I get stuck in there if she goes out..........often for hours at a time.............and can't even get to a toilet or get a bite to eat as there is no way I can secure the premises and her cash drawers....I have my own seperate Cash Tin and Appointment Book set-up which is just as well............:!:

The whole situation is ridiculous!!

It's obviously not a matter of trust is she is quite happy to leave you on the premises for hours on end with her cash drawer!! Insane!!

I would seriously look at finding another space to rent & start looking now, if her side of the business is quiet & she is floundering then you may turn up one day & the whole set up is closed for good!
So, she trusts you to be locked in there on your own, but she won't give you a key!!!???:mad:
Sounds to me that shes jealous of your success!!

Good luck

Personally I wouldn't want a key incase something did "go missing" it sounds to me like she is the type to just point the finger unfairly so perhaps you're better off out of that one and not having that responsibility.

BUT you are entiltled to access to your space that you have rented for the times in your agreement. Surley she is not co-operating to the terms of your agreement? And as for locking you in, surley thats ilegal!!!??? She can't pretend she didn't know you were there!!

You need to have a firm but fair chat about needing access and if she doesn't comply then I would take legal advice or as a last resort get out altogether.

I hope you get it sorted soon as this will be so damaging to your business that you have worked so hard for.

Good luck hon:hug:

Love Elles x x x
How ridiculous! I would tell her for every client that you have and you don't have access to the premises because she won't turn up to unlock the door, that she owes you that fee for missed business. The contract should be void if she is not giving you access to the premises as I'm sure something about access should be in the contract. I would be saying that unless you get a key you will be looking for a new shop to work out of. Maybe that might change her mind.
I know that a studio I work out of won't give me a front door key because they can't just get one cut, they need permission from the building owner who keeps track of the number of keys, but I can have a back door key. Weird! Maybe there's something like that she's not telling you about.
what a ridiculous woman the owner is! She obviously has issues...but i dont think its about trust..perhaps she just likes to make sure that everyone knows that SHE calls the shots...your are working hard to build a business and she is damaging that along with your reputation...look after yourself and your business and do not let her ruin should be working together to help each other be successful...clearly she cant do that and is doing you more harm than good! I would demand a key or find somewhere else im afraid or all your hard work might end up down the pan.
Thats totally not on - what if there was an emergancy and you had to leave the premises and couldn't lock them?

Sounds to me like she is controlling you...maybe she is peeved at how successful you have been....I would go shop hunting hun if I was you for new premises..this woman is holding you back
As a former salon owner with 13 renters you most positively should have a key!!!! should carefully re-read your contract again to see if there is some sort of clause in there about a key........

how can you get to your stuff? how can you run your business?

if not............ talk to the owner and tell her you issues about client conflict's ( your time v' hers) and the fact you cannot secure the place......what if you felt uneasy when you are there alone with all that money and a seedy person is hanging around?.......what about your bathroom and eating issues.......

as an owner she should be made aware of this.....or at leased have it brought to her attention.......
she is like keeping you prisoner when she lock,s you in for hour,s at time....especailly no toliet or food ,drink....what did you do in the summer when it was hot and she locked you in? some people had to give there workers bottled water evry hour....
When you have your meeting make sure you mention Health & Safety!! If you are locked in the building, what if there was a fire or a bomb threat? You cannot access the toilet, cannot eat and cannot get a drink, these are all serious Health & safety issues that she must address. If you are paying rent for business hours that are stated in your contract, then she must be in breach of that aswell. Go in to the meeting and be as assertive as possible and make sure she is aware that you know exactly what you are talking about.
A few people have posted about you being locked in, I read it that you are not infact locked in when she goes out but that the salon is open & as a result of you not having a key you are unable to pop out if you need while she is away. Is that right?

If so, that is totally unacceptable, as I said before if I was in your situation I would be looking elsewhere sharpish!!
i actually read your post this morning and have not stopped thinking about it all day you are being very unfairly treated i dont understand how she can be being this unfair is there anywhere elsewhere around you that you could rent instead? that way you wouldnt lose any clients? hope this all works out for you hon xxx
write everything down that you need to raise before you do have a meeting.

is she aware that she is damaging HER reputation as well as your own by being so unprofessional?

you must be a nervous wreck turning up for your appointments, wondering if you are going to be able to get in or not.

when she locks you in, how do you get your clients in and out? or does she carefully study YOUR appointment book and then do her disappearing act.

I think you will probably be better off moving tbh
I haven't got a key to the new place that I'm at, and am working in the same hours as the hairdressers. But, I'm doing a 3 month trial, and when I sign a contract after the 3 months I will be expecting keys and to stay open later on my one evening a week.
I too, read this as you weren't getting locked in, but being left without a key to lock up if you had to go out and get food/go to the toilet. But even so, i think this is unacceptable of her to expect you to stay put waiting for her to return.

As previously said, she may have reasons why she wont let you have a key, but from a busness point of view it would be more beneficial to both of you - you get to start and finish according to when you have clients in, and she gets the possibility of getting new clients book, just because there is someone there to answer the phone!

Check, double-check and re-check your contract, find out exactly what it says about opening hours and bring this up with her.

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