Single or double dip


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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2009
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La La Land
Hi guys

I was looking at LA Tan....and I have a question if someone would be kind enough to explain to me...haven't been trained long

It says single dip and double dip on different strength's of solution..I'm not sure what this means?

Hi, Im sure the double dip is just a darker guide colour, I also beleive I have read on here about clients being disappointed in the tan colour because its not as dark as the guide colour. I have the LA tan but so far have only used the single dip 10 gold. hth

Annie x
phew! For a minute I thought you were asking about double dipping a waxing spatula!

I have no experience about tanning - so I'll keep my beak out! :)
Thanks Annie

Hmmm Seems strange if the colour guide is going to be a "lot" darker than the actually tan...could end up with disappointed clients

The back&'s ok don't panic lol
When I first started out I used LA Tan and I would say that the double dipping didnt got down well with most of my clients, in fact I'd say I lost a few because of it! This was as you have guessed that they saw a dark tan they were pleased with when it was done but the following day after showering they were a lot lighter and were dissapointed! It actually made me really disheartened and if it wasnt for people on here I would have jacked it in! I moved over to Sienna X after that and I only use LA Gold now if people still specifically want an LA Tan spray tan which is a handful. I've had no dissapointed customers since I switched.

HTH :)
Nat-Nat Thanks for that

Well to be honest I brought the maximist/tent deal they have on right now comes with 3 litres of I guess I could just this for practice wise...still it's a pain in the bum really...we live and learn lol
I use La Tan in my salons 8 10 12 14 18and gold ( I also use booster drops) and to be honest with you I havent lost anyone due to the double dipping.

I tell them that they will look rather dark before they wash it off and IF thats a colour they want to go then next time ill take them a step upwards.

But, all clients are different and IF you have anyone who wants t be darker, then you can send them darker.

I would be delighted to help you in any way once you have received your kit.

kindest regards

Thanks tigi

Why is the colour guide so so dark to start with? surely it would be better to have the guide a bit more closer match to the out come?

Im not being rude just trying to understand that's all :) x

Thank-you also for your offer of help, thats very sweet of you x
Nat-Nat Thanks for that

Well to be honest I brought the maximist/tent deal they have on right now comes with 3 litres of I guess I could just this for practice wise...still it's a pain in the bum really...we live and learn lol

I did the same and it's still a good deal! I like the gold and 8% is good on pale skin too but the 10 and 12 didnt go down as well and sienna does. Saying that I do have a friend who prefers the LA 10 to the sienna 10 so I'm using it on her, spray some friends and they may feel the same!
I did a few tans tonight with cocktail tan, on request went over their legs twice, and still had a text about 2 hours later to say the girls would like respraying tomorrow,
I have told them I will If they are sure BUT to hold on as it will develop darker over the night,
This is the experience I have found so far with cocktail.

Can I ask why though, why do some appear darker straight away like I think the 12% appears instantly darker even though the cocktail is a darker tan.
Is this to do with double and single dipping ?

Although training 18 months ago with fake bake, it was over a year since I actually did any tans, so I'm still kind of a new kid on the block with this.
I think further training is needed after new year.
Double dipping means it just has twice the amount of bronzers in.
I've never seen the point of this personally.
The tan is either too dark to start with and the clients don't want to be seen by anyone until they have showered. Or, they kinda get used to the guide colour and are then very disappointed when most of it washes down the shower.
I tried LA Tan when it first came out and it didn't go down very well.
I do however use the LA Disco (18%) for those clients who want a really dark tan :)
Double dipping means it just has twice the amount of bronzers in.
I've never seen the point of this personally.
The tan is either too dark to start with and the clients don't want to be seen by anyone until they have showered. Or, they kinda get used to the guide colour and are then very disappointed when most of it washes down the shower.
I tried LA Tan when it first came out and it didn't go down very well.
I do however use the LA Disco (18%) for those clients who want a really dark tan :)

I have to agree here somewhat, after using LA Tan now for a does tend to get a bit boring keep explaing to clients about the colour guide :irked:
I have them saying "it's too dark or it's not dark enough"
So Im nearly out of the LA..then I shall order with Nouvatan...Iv'e used they're samples and really like it x
I only use the LA Disco 18% for clients that want the really dark look.
I did a LA Disco tan about a week ago and when I first sprayed her she looked at the guide colour and said oh it isnt dark enough :eek:

I said honestly it is going to develop and you are going to be really dark. (I used to spray her with fake bake but double dip it, so think she was expecting the same spray colour)

I explained all this too her, but she wouldn't have it so I did another coat for her, she calls the next day saying it was lovely but wish she would have listened to me because it was "quite" dark :lol:

The guide colour of tans does seem to mislead people, I have this trouble with Fake Bake and no matter how much you explain to people about the guide colour and how they develop on different skins they just wont listen!

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