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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
Heckmondwike, West Yorkshire
I'm thinking of holding a spray-a-thon!

Not sure where I could do it as I'm mobile but contacting all clients all friends everyone on facebook family etc and offer spray tans for say £7?!

from 9am till 4pm see how many people come, people won't have a long wait as tanning is such a quick treatment, I can give them all a price list so hopefully they'll remember me from the spray-a-thon!

And a % to go to charity which I think will bring in more people!
Sounds like a good idea but way too cheap maybe £10 or you could do half price which would go down well too.
If it works out to cost you £2-3 to do a tan, charging £7 only gives you £4-5 per client profit, some of which will go to charity, so that will only leave you a few pound per client.
What do you charge normally for spray tans? I did try clicking on your link but it doesnt work.
Or, for example say you normally charge £25 you could do them for £15 with a £5 off voucher for there next spray tan with you, that way you are encouraging them to come back to you.

Have you thought about doing it in a church/school hall?
You could maybe speak to someone who runs a weight watches club & ask to do it during or after the meeting, that way you will have lots of ladies on tap too.

Hope that helps x:hug:x
I agree,£7 is way too little to charge. People may wonder why your so cheap.
Can I ask your reasons for doing this? Are you hoping to gain more clientele from it?

I have to say that I did spray tans at £7.50 once.
Only because i was changing over solutions and wanted to use all my old solution up before it went off!
I'd not long started spray tanning and really wasn't busy at all and I had gotten the solution from the company who supplies my spray booth. I only got the solution because they told me I couldn't use any other solution in it (which was a lie!)
The solution was ok but not the best and it was buy one gallon, get another free when i bought it. So, i still had quite a bit to use.
I was going to just chuck it and then thought that i may as well try and get something back for it.
So I advertised them at £7.50 and it was mad.
Everyone wanted one and i actually gained a hell of a lot of clients from this little escapade. They still came back when I put the price up.
Not all of them admittedly, but a lot of them did.
I advertised it as a limited offer while stocks last, that way they knew it wasn't going to stay that price.
I used the solution up in no time and everyone was happy.
Now i'm not saying that this is the way to encourage business normally but in this instance, it worked a treat.
If you're doing it as a tan-a-thon then you could easily do 4 tans an hour and can make £20 an hour profit which is not too bad :)
do you have children or any children in your family? mebbe you could ask at their school and instead of a % to just one charity do half and half some to school and some to the charity of your choice. this way you'll be helping out the school and i'm sure they will be more than willing to write about it in the news letter which will go home with the kids for parents to read which would get your name out too, you could also get in touch with local papers about it too. you could mebbe even ask the school if some of the children could help you as some kind of work experience? they could help to take money/give change/give out disposables etc.

reguardless of weather you are doing it to get more clients or just to raise money for charity it's a fab idea and well done you for being so selfless!! x
To gain more client's yes!
It really would have to be well advertised! Doing it in my younger brother's school is a good idea but not sure if they would let me while the kids were in school.
I was thinking from 2pm till 8pm so people could come after work.
Thought of doing one myself. Children in need coming up in Nov. Perfect charity. Ring your local press see if they can run an article and photos too!

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