For your own health as well as that of your clients, it is SO IMPORTANT to use filtration or even better extraction in your spray tanning area. The health and safety of filtration is taught in all good training sessions and should be put into practice!
I know how easy it is to think it will be fine to spray and not even wear a filtration mask let alone a portable unit but PLEASE take it seriously. Sometimes it was too warm to wear a mask, or the unit was another thing to carry around or the cost of buying a unit was off putting . . . I know all the excuses and have been found guilty of them myself!
There were many times I will admit to spraying without protection over the 6 years I was spray tanning and my chest was affected to the extent that my lung capacity was seriously lower than it should be and my breathing was affected resulting in my peak flow meter reading was half it should be for a person of my age.
Thankfully now I have more or less given up spray tanning, my health has improved but let this be a word of caution to you, even though there may be natural products in the solutions you use this can still cause problems.
Take care of yourselves
Mandy x