Starting out I mad!!


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faye cheshire

Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
shavington, cheshire
Hi I did hairdressing in the dark ages leaving college 40 years ago. After a succession of many other jobs I am now going to do an update course and try to set up a mobile business.

In my day we used rollers and didn't really learn to cut as most people had the same style and we learned it when it came into fashion. Colouring was totally different too. So I am off to Stoke College even though I live in Cheshire as the head tutor there has been so helpful. Ten hours of cutting, foils, and creative colouring. Reasonable price. If I get any customers I will go back and get some more training. I spent all morning watching hair cutting tequniques on a dvd he let me borrow to give me some insight. It will take about ten times before I actually remember all the sectioning and angles etc.

I can't wait but I am also a little afraid. Maybe one day I will understand all the hairdressing talk you real professionals use on this site. It is good to read though it gives me a lot of insight into the changes that have happened.

I go to college 8th May so will post again and tell you how it went

Bye for now Faye Cheshire
Thats Great Faye :biggrin: Good luck..xx
wishing you all the best, keep us updated on how you get on, and if you have any questions just ask xxx
As Ballyboo said, feel free to ask any questions, no matter how silly they seem.
If you can, voulenteer in a salon so u have a chance to watch in salon techniques which are a bit different to college technique. Once you start, go to a local warehouse and get a colour book, that will help you understand numbering and the colour wheel.

Make a area in your home as a hair only place. You can then study, practice blow dries and colour/ cut on your block head for extra practice.

Best of luck, and don't be afraid to come on here as much as you want to ask anything, some comments may seem blunt and harsh, but it's most likely the person posting wants to help but has little time, xoxo
Good for you.
I'm a huge fan of lifelong learning and did my beauty course after early retirement.

It will boil down to 2 things, in my opinion:
  1. Ability to acquire new skills. It may, but only may, take a mature student a little more time.
  2. Stamina. I've got to admit that when I have several luxury facials in a day I am stiff, sore and tired. However, you may be younger and/or fitter than I, so it may not be an issue.
Good luck; don't be put off by your first few days at college, you will feel at home eventually.
WOOOHOOOOO you can do it!!!!! :D
Sounds great - good luck!
Good luck with it. It's great that you're getting to re-train in something you love.
Good luck, you'll be great!

I'm nearly halfway through my level 2 in Beauty Therapy, I'm 40 this year and loving it!


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