The Cost of Advertising with Adwords


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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2010
Reaction score
Hi Everyone,

I was just wondering what peoples average spends are if they advertise using adwords.

Every Client I have had (apart from reccomendations) have found me on google, so it obviously works but it seems quite expensive. In 1 week I have had to put in £25

It is good as it gets in the customers and as I am quite a new business I need this traffic going through my site. It seems the only way I am getting clients.

I have done about 1000 leaflets which isnt lots I know but not had a single call about them, so is web advertising the way to go eventhough it is prooving to be quite expensive!

Any ideas how I could lower this would be great.

Hi Everyone,

I was just wondering what peoples average spends are if they advertise using adwords.

Every Client I have had (apart from reccomendations) have found me on google, so it obviously works but it seems quite expensive. In 1 week I have had to put in £25

It is good as it gets in the customers and as I am quite a new business I need this traffic going through my site. It seems the only way I am getting clients.

I have done about 1000 leaflets which isnt lots I know but not had a single call about them, so is web advertising the way to go eventhough it is prooving to be quite expensive!

Any ideas how I could lower this would be great.

I find adwords are great... but it can be expensive and on a regular basis they seem to increase the bid cost of the more popular keywords...
Have you listed with google maps?.. its free and if you put the right keywords and info it will bring you up in the listings...
Jack x
I did do the maps thing and it brought me up but because of my postcode I wasnt one of the first on the map so it wasnt a broad range of people I could attract, I have found with the adwords I am now placed right at the top.

I have asked the clients how they found me and it has all been the same answer google and what they typed in surprise surprise is the most expensive key word!

Maybe once business is more word of mouth I can reduce the amount I am spending!
Have you tried Facebook advertising? It's much cheaper that Google Adwords and you can target specific people, age groups, likes etc.

Have you tried Facebook advertising? It's much cheaper that Google Adwords and you can target specific people, age groups, likes etc.


I did try this but go no response at all :irked: I may try this again another time but it didnt seem to work for me for some reason!
I did do the maps thing and it brought me up but because of my postcode I wasnt one of the first on the map so it wasnt a broad range of people I could attract, I have found with the adwords I am now placed right at the top.

I've looked at your website and it seems that your future customers can't book an appointment with you online. They must call or email and they usually don't call in the late evenings or weekends, but they can happily book an appointment online.

I'll suggest to integrate online booking into your website, with Salonium it's free!

I've looked at your website and it seems that your future customers can't book an appointment with you online. They must call or email and they usually don't call in the late evenings or weekends, but they can happily book an appointment online.

I'll suggest to integrate online booking into your website, with Salonium it's free!

you're on a roll today!! haha


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