Thinking about CalGel..


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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2008
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Hi all
What are your thoughts on calgel? i am a complete nail virgin as my forte is tanning, however after much deliberation i am seriously thinking of going down this route....can anyone advise of calgel training in the west midlands? thanks all :lol:
has anyone even got some websites i could look at for reference? :irked:
You need to see the Izabelle Hammon website as they are the people that distribute the calgel in the UK.
aaahh thank you :) i have come across the site but maybe weas expecting a direct calgel learning already, whats your experience of calgel if you dont mind me asking? :lol:
Hi all
What are your thoughts on calgel? i am a complete nail virgin as my forte is tanning, however after much deliberation i am seriously thinking of going down this route....can anyone advise of calgel training in the west midlands? thanks all :lol:

I trained with Bio Sculpture (Bio Sculpture & Calgel were one of the same once till they parted company) B/S is a fantastic product.
It may be worth checking with Calgel but I seem to remember a thread on here some time back saying you needed to keep retraining with Calgel to be able to keep buying from them.
thank you i will definatly take a look at B/S aswell :)
Ive also got to look into doing a basic manicure nd pedicure course but all my local colleges only offer extensive nail therapist courses... hmmm
Calgel is a great product to work with, however I found the company not so good.

Bio is the same product,well known and has a good following

I believe both are expensive on the training side (speaking regarding calgel) and you have to do retraining I believe everycouple of years with calgel, they may even be doing yearly.

I donot like being dictated to by a company so....

I dont use calgel anymore, im using Gelish and very happy and as for using a brush with my gelish, I use the structure gel with a brush for application

Hope this helps
thank you for that thats fab! x
I've been trained to use both Calgel and Bio.

They're both very similar price and structure wise, but now I just stick to using Bio. I don't like Calgel's way of doing business.
thank you i will definatly take a look at B/S aswell :)
Ive also got to look into doing a basic manicure nd pedicure course but all my local colleges only offer extensive nail therapist courses... hmmm

You can do the basic man and ped course with Bio Sculpture then the gel, you wont regret it, it is fantastic.
I hope I get the same eureka feeling with Shellac or Gelish (haven't decided which yet)that I got when I learnt to do Bio Sculpture
I use Calgel and love it. Customer service is fantastic and delivery always next day. Great range of colours and very good training. I did my training over 2yrs ago and I am still able to buy off them without re-doing it. Although just for myself I am going to do a refresher course at some point. It is only £50 and think that it worth it to keep up to date with any new tips/ideas
Thats brilliant ladies thank you... i have a few more questions but i think ill start a new thread as its just general equipemnt! Youve all been amazing in your advice and opinions, thank you!
Hi there,

This is Nicola from Izabelle Hammon Ltd, home of Calgel in UK and Europe.

Although it is true all Calgel certificates issued after April 2008 do have a two year expire date, it is NOT true that you need to keep training to continue to still purchase Calgel products.

We do, however, recommend all Calgel technicians return for re-certification which is completed on the Calgel Advanced 1 day training course. The Advanced courses have been designed for the needs of our clients who wish to return for a refresher and would like to grow and update their knowledge of Calgel and the applications to be able to offer their clients something new.

Many of our customers like to return before their certificate expires to deepen existing knowledge on applications and refresh on any problem areas. The course has also proven popular with Calgel technicians who have been using the product for many years and would like keep up to date with the latest applications and products.. Calgel technicians who would like to renew their certificate and update their knowledge with updated and advanced applications can return for this course which costs the same as a 1 day course. After completing your Advanced training course this certificate will then be valid for a further 4 years.

Calgel also continue to offer full technical support where possible via email and over the telephone for all Calgel clients.

For any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Calgel team at Izabelle Hammon Ltd on 01582 798920 or visit us at for further information.

Kind Regards
Hi there,

This is Nicola from Izabelle Hammon Ltd, home of Calgel in UK and Europe.

Although it is true all Calgel certificates issued after April 2008 do have a two year expire date, it is NOT true that you need to keep training to continue to still purchase Calgel products.

We do, however, recommend all Calgel technicians return for re-certification which is completed on the Calgel Advanced 1 day training course. The Advanced courses have been designed for the needs of our clients who wish to return for a refresher and would like to grow and update their knowledge of Calgel and the applications to be able to offer their clients something new.

Many of our customers like to return before their certificate expires to deepen existing knowledge on applications and refresh on any problem areas. The course has also proven popular with Calgel technicians who have been using the product for many years and would like keep up to date with the latest applications and products.. Calgel technicians who would like to renew their certificate and update their knowledge with updated and advanced applications can return for this course which costs the same as a 1 day course. After completing your Advanced training course this certificate will then be valid for a further 4 years.

Calgel also continue to offer full technical support where possible via email and over the telephone for all Calgel clients.

For any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Calgel team at Izabelle Hammon Ltd on 01582 798920 or visit us at for further information.

Kind Regards

Am I reading this correctly, certificate runs out after 2 years therefore if we don't do another course our insurance will be invalid?
Hi Nicola, thank you for that :)
I have a breif email convo with Louise - and things are looking promising - i think the idea of doing a refresher is great! Thanks all x
well....yesterday i went and treated myself to a set of calgel overlays at my local bannatynes spa, and i have to say they are amazing, im so happy with them and my therapist was very informative, i expalined to her that i was thinking of doing my calgel training and she couldnt have been nicer! gave me loads of advice and told me what i can expect and so on.....i think im going to take the plunge!
Calgel is a brilliant product and company and you are not going to learn everything there is to know in their first course.I think any Calgel users are lucky that they do expect high training standards,there are not that many nail companies that actually do.It should be something to be proud of and promote not knock.There are hundreds of companies that will sell their products to any Tom **** and untrained Harry.

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