Hi, Ive used them too,
they are a lovely shaped nail, they seem to fit really well they have a tiny dividing raised smile line , ( the Fin ) which divides your pink and whites up beautifully,
you would normally fill up the tip first, eg: Zone 1 with white acrylic up to the raised fin (smile line),
Then you would fill in zone 2 and 3 as normal with your pink behind the smile (fin line) butting up against it ,
if you are using a clear pink you can take this lightly all over the tips, but be careful as you want keep your smile line bright and crisp, it may be better to use clear acrylic at this point ,
if you are using a masking pink in zones 2 and 3 ,
you would then swop to clear to cover and finish the whole nail to keep the smile lines crisp ,
just like any other white tip
as someone said they are good for building the correct apex as you have to get the raised fin covered,
I found them fab, they make life very easy ,
I think they are good to have a go with,
I have a few left over if you want one littlegroll ? or anyone else ?
just pm me I think I have around 4 or so left
Ill post them out so you can see the famous fin and have a play lol :hug: x