VERY sensitive to eyelash glue help!


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Miss Pink23

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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I have a client who I have been lashing for about 2-3 months without any problems and suddenly she has become allergic to the glue-I use Flirties extra strength.
So I removed the lashes as her eyes were swollen, red and itchy.
I then purchased a new sensitive glue-with no fumes or odour. I patch tested her today at 12pm and she has just text to say her right eyes have become sore and itchy.
Can anyone offer any help, I cannot keep buying glues as they are not the cheapest thing to buy and obviously they will go out of date before I could use them all anyway.
She hasnt started using any new products and have just asked her if she is on any medication-but im thinking not.:!:
i have had a couple of clients over last five years that have reacted the same. Unfortunately it seems that once they have an allergic reaction to the glue then they seem to react to any glue. These clients love the lashes, and so get patch tested about every six months, or whenever i try a new glue, but so far they have all remained allergic.

Not much help there i suppose, but you're not on your own with this problem.
Thank you for that, not what I wanted to hear but its kind of what I expected.
She did say that a few years ago she had Jinny lash extensions and had them for ages. I would love to try their glue but unfortunately you can only buy it if you are Jinny lash trained.
Have you tried a sensitive glue from a different company? Eyelash extension glues are not all the same, each brand generally has different quantities of the cyanoacrylates or Formaldehyde which is generally what the client is allergic to.

I know it's not much help as alot is trial and error and can be an expensive process. I use the LASH #1 Bonding Adhesive and if a client complains about ichiness or soreness I use the LASH #7 Bonding Adhesive and if that doesn't help I use the LASH Sensitive ... and if that doesn't work I explain that their allergies to the products mean that EE is not for them, unfortunately.

Good luck!

i too have had this happen to me.we went over every thing from clients make up to purfume,facial wipes every thing.i could not understand why all off a sudden the eyes were swelling up.the body must just build up an intolance level to the glue.I am glad it was not just me.I lost a good client,who now comes only for a lip wax now.
I know its not quite the same but I had worn contact lenses for 20 years and got up one morning and my eyes totally rejected them. I tried loads of different ones but to no avail. Had to go and have implantable lenses in the end. Although they were expensive it meant no more glasses and normal looking eyes It seems once eyes reject foreign bodies thats it. Good luck though xxxxxxxxx
can i ask where everyone is patch testing? we were taught to test on the wrist but this seems silly to me as EE are applied to the lashes...
Hi, this has happened to me, I never had any problems with them until one day my eye was a bit itchy and swollen, I perservered with them and now I have to take antihistamines everyday just to be able to fit them on other people (the fumes make my eyes swell). I now can't wear eyeliner or eyeshadow without having a reaction. I wouldn't perservere if you have a customer who has a reaction as it may make them worse and intolerant to other things. I know its gutting as you don't want to lose a good client but its better than making them feel absolutely miserable at not only not being able to have lashes but not being able to wear make up at all :-(
Maybe you could see if a few companies could send you some samples? X

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