Hi there. Just wanted to say what a fantastic website this is. So informative, you ladies (and gents) really know your stuff.
I have some questions. I have been asked by a Hindu lady to wax her face. She has had laser treatment under her chin and on down her neck but it has left a lot of dark brown marks from which the hair grows very coarse, beard quality almost. She's had threading on it but wants to get back into waxing. Does anybody have a client with a similar condition and, if so, do you have any tips?
Also, she wants me to wax her back. The hair goes from the top of low slung jeans right up to her neck. I've yet to wax a man's back let alone a womans. Any advice.
She's also used to facials involving a deep cleansing steaming process and extraction on her nose. I use Natural Balance products which are 100% organic but as far as steaming goes, I've always steered well clear due to heat damage. Any help would be gratefully received.
Many thanks
Sophia x
I have some questions. I have been asked by a Hindu lady to wax her face. She has had laser treatment under her chin and on down her neck but it has left a lot of dark brown marks from which the hair grows very coarse, beard quality almost. She's had threading on it but wants to get back into waxing. Does anybody have a client with a similar condition and, if so, do you have any tips?
Also, she wants me to wax her back. The hair goes from the top of low slung jeans right up to her neck. I've yet to wax a man's back let alone a womans. Any advice.
She's also used to facials involving a deep cleansing steaming process and extraction on her nose. I use Natural Balance products which are 100% organic but as far as steaming goes, I've always steered well clear due to heat damage. Any help would be gratefully received.
Many thanks
Sophia x