What's your favourite thing about working for yourself?


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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2005
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Alot of us work for ourselves. What is the best part for you? What gives it the edge over employment?

For me, it's the freedom and flexibility of my own time/life. On the downside time off costs me, but it's all swings and roundabouts isn't it.

I also love doing things MY WAY. cuz it's the best way ever lol. ;) I'm not forced to cut corners to make more money, and I know all the effort I put in I get back out again.

I love the thought that everything I have I have earned from nothing. No ones ever given me anything. No hand outs to get me started. I've built myself up and it gives me real job satisfaction. I guess that's why my work is my life. It's my baby!

I agree, its the freedom to work as much or as little as you want/need. The fact you are your business, it makes you proud to know youve had the confidence to start up a business (no matter how quiet or busy). The fact if you have a bad feeling about a client or one that is trouble you can decide if you want them or not. Also that my passion, my addiction and my love is my job.!
Ive had many jobs as an employee that werent in the beauty industry and thinking about those times makes me appreciate being self employeed so much more
The best things and the reasons I do it are

1)Managing my own hours to work around my lifestyle

2)There not being any cap on your income so there are no limits. On a salary you know exactly whats coming which is comforting but its also limits you.

I always have this pleasant feeling at 8-9 am even after all these years when I see other people going off for the commute. I know 9-5 suits a lot of people perfectly but Im just glad I dont have to do it anymore, its just not me.

The downsides for me is not having someone there to whip my arse on a regular basis. I can be so lazy and procrastinating when left to my own devices. I often have an accountability buddy that I check in with to get me going.
I like that I'm lining my own pockets and not someone elses!!
Aswel as my own hours :)
Choosing which customers i see, choosing my own hours - if i want a day off, i take it! Nobody telling me what to do and how to do things their way, making money for ME and not a salon owner, and my favourite - snuggling on the sofa on dark winter mornings whilst most other people are struggling to get to work in the bad weather :D i'm so lucky x

Yeah, I always thought I was totally laid back, but I'm not. I'm a complete control freak!! lol. :D
I too love the fact I work when I want to not when I'm told to, that I choose my clients and don't have to treat those I choose not to (with no-one to explain myself to), I love interacting with clients both old new and enjoy working so much.

I also love that it is now me who is out earning to pay the bills and keep the family going and my boyfriend is at home with the 4 kids (I secretly love that he is now 'suffering' as I have done for years & years trying to do all the normal stuff that's expected - the never ending housework, constant washing pile, cooking, shopping and general 'mum' stuff like stopping arguments, dealing with cut knee's, homework etc).
All of the above + I get to do nails! Love it so it doesn't feel like work x
I work very much on my own as i work at home its good that i only have to trot up the garden to work so no petrol costs.I can buy what i want and use what i want and learn what i want.There are some things i have learnt but now choose not to do as i don't like doing the treatment and i can also choose my clients and they are all lovely.

I do miss not working as part of a team though i like to share the beauty experience thats why i probably need to geek no one else wants to talk about beauty stuff like i do ive just loved the industry since i was about 13 making up my mum and doing her nails while she tried to watch the tv i know no other career.

I think when you are young and first out of training it is a good experience to work in a salon rather than going straight out mobile or starting off with your own business.It will either teach you how to do things or how not depending who you work for:D
Definitely being able to have more control over my time and when I do things - and being able to do things "my way" without office politics and other people's egoes getting in the way!
my favourite thing is the UNPREDICTABILITY, it keeps me on my toes.

I love the fact that I can fit in a class at the gym and be sitting in the jacuzzi afterwards.

I love the fact that some days I have clients fighting for appointment slots and other days nothing....zilch.....

and all the above

also totally agree, I am an extremely laid-back control freak!

and also I really really like the fact I can work with my moods/emotions. some days I can really kiss ass, I can climb a mountain without safety nets (metaphorically), I can roar at Lions, other days I find it hard to say boo to a goose, I want to hide, be quiet and gentle.
I too love the fact I work when I want to not when I'm told to, that I choose my clients and don't have to treat those I choose not to (with no-one to explain myself to), I love interacting with clients both old new and enjoy working so much.


Could have written this myself . . . .

I love the fact that I haven't had to miss any of the school things like nativities, plays, special assembies, presentations, readings, a dance to watch after school, church at xmas etc, sports day and all that while my kids were little.

Both at secondary now so parents as you know very much in the background but I am so grateful to have had the flexibility to work round these sort of events. x