I have been looking and looking to learn about the history of the role of the nail technician or manicurist, and I just came across this on the internet
http://www.scratchmagazine.co.uk/NEW_IMAGES/NEW Pages for Web/ MAY Nail Fashion SINGLE.pdf
It's EXACTLY what I've been looking for, and I was engrossed until I realised it is only one page! AAAGGHH!
Does anyone know what issue of Scratch this was in, or if it's not actually been out yet? I've subscribed for most of the last few years, so it must have been in an issue that was out between my subscriptions! I DESPERATELY WANT TO READ ON!
Can anyone advise me?
http://www.scratchmagazine.co.uk/NEW_IMAGES/NEW Pages for Web/ MAY Nail Fashion SINGLE.pdf
It's EXACTLY what I've been looking for, and I was engrossed until I realised it is only one page! AAAGGHH!
Does anyone know what issue of Scratch this was in, or if it's not actually been out yet? I've subscribed for most of the last few years, so it must have been in an issue that was out between my subscriptions! I DESPERATELY WANT TO READ ON!
Can anyone advise me?