Worrying myself sick


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I love this idea, it makes people think they are getting something for nothing.
I also did a sheet with 30 squares on it, clients choose a square for £1 wrote there name in it and when it was full we had a client pick out a number and they had a £3o voucher to spend in the shop! It was fab, infact i think I'll run this promotion again.
You could do a different take on it and have first second and third prizes, which means more prizes and more treatments i guess!
Hi lovely geeks,
So, my wee salon has been open nearly 4 weeks now and I'm already making myself sick with worry.
I'm sitting here today with only one person in - had 4 cancellations for one day!! And I'm open til 9!

I've done leaflet drops, just set up a website and a bebo page and I'm trying to put together more of a marketing campaign at the minute. But it's so hard when there's no-one booked in.
There are 2 other salons in town (quite a big town) and I'm worried that maybe the competition is too great?

I don't want to let anything beat me. I love this job and want it to work so badly, but I'm feeling very scared right now. I just wanna break down into tears, but I know that won't get me anywhere, so I'm just trying to move forward.

Has anyone else had this experience with starting up? I would really love to hear from you and hear how you grew your business.
Please help, geeks, I'm in such despair and you guys are the only ones I can turn to. My parents and partner have helped me so much withmoney and stuff, I don't want to worry them.
Thanks in advance for any replies.


Only 2 salons!?!?!??!?! There are 7 withing a 5min walking distance of my salon! That isnt competition, seriously. We opened last year in November and we were dead until Xmas. You've opened in the middle of probably the worst Xmas ever and its January. Probably only a handful of people even know your there so keep getting your name around. The other salons prob arent even your competition, its the home kits and mobile stylists/theraists or Chinese Nail salons if your a nail place that are. You have to convince ppl that you're a better option than those.

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