I think payment structure, should also reflect the Technicians skill and education.........
Think of it as a ladder, expirience and Qualification should be reflected in their pay....
Afterall they have busted a gut and payed for it themselfs, to get that extra knowledge and it has to be payed for.....by someone lol...........
If you have different prices in a Salon, for Different expierience levels, then a more qualified/expirienced Tech can get more pay then a newbie.....And a newbie will be after a while on the next step of the ladder, becoming a Senior Technician.......
Then there is the bonus scheme............% on weekly takings and % on retail..........
It takes carefull working out!!!!!
So many new Techs frown at the pay they are offered, they think , well her on the next table is getting much more..........
Rather then taking that as a , worth less then her attitude, they should use it as a goal and say , thats what I will be on , just watch me lol !!!!!
The other way around pay structure is, rent the desk!!!!!
That way, the better you are, the busier you are, the more money you will make !!!!
Fair pay is a mine field................