A few Q's from a trainee!!


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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Brentwood, Essex
Hi all,

As some of you may know from previous posts, I am currently training as a nail tech. I'm inbetween courses at the moment, as i had to deferr from my last course due to ill health, and i'm due to enrol on the next one in September. However, i'm continuing to practice as i was getting ready for my assessments anyway.. As i'm practicing, i'm getting a few problems and questions, and i was wondering of any of you lovely people would be able to help me with them?? I'm using NSI products.

Firstly, I think i have a problem with my mix ratio. It looks fine on the brush and when applied to the nail it doesn't shrink more than about 10% and you can see that there are no dry granules of powder. I leave the ball to settle for a few seconds before moving into place... However, when i go to finish the nail and file off the crystal time glaze it get's when it dries, the zone 3 area just flakes off, and it ends up looking like the model needs a refil already! It does it every time, no matter whether I prime once, twice, and i make sure that my prep is as thorough as i can be, and i've tried it with different mix rations, wetter and drier, but this didn't help. Can anyone help me with this? Am i applying it too thinly? I apply it like i've read in Gigi's tutorials, with the brush at an angle to the nail.....

Secondly, is the acrylic supposed to glaze over like it does? It looks lovely and clear as i apply it, but then it gets a glaze that i have to file off when finishing. :rolleyes:

and last but not least.... how thick should my application be??? I've been having problems with this and my tutors could never give me a straight answer. At the moment i'm applying too much and then having to file it down, but i don't want to end up with the nails too thin after i've filed the "glaze" off..... :eek:

Thanking you all very much in advance....:hug:
I dont use NSI products but when I have prepped the nail, I always wipe over the nail with water and citrus soak as this neutralizes the cuticle remover before taking off the surface shine and dehydrating the nail plate. With your product just flaking off.....have a look at the area you are sitting in. Are you sitting below an air con unit or have a draft blowing in on you, if so this will affect your application. The product looks ok when applied but cos of the draft it can cause the product to crystalize which will just flake/crumble away when you file. It could also be down to your mix ratio and not pressing firmly enough in zone 3. There are some geeks on here who work with NSI products so they maybe able to help you further, alternativley call NSI and explain you are in training, tell them your problem and that you are not getting a satisfactory answer from your tutor and could they give you some advice. They would be sure to give you their help as they want you as the technician to get the best out of their products. HTHs.
Hi, I don't use nsi either, but agree with David that you you should perhaps give them a call if your not sure. It is normal for your product to look shiney when you are applying it, and as it sets up it will dull down until when finishing, you buff it up to achieve a shiney finish.

Could it be that you are filing off too much product in zone 3? There are a lot of NSI geeks on here, Ladybgemini is and will probably be on at some point today.

Hope you get the help you need:)
Which powder is it that is causing the problems hun, I had this with the NSI Classic clear powder, numerous bubbles, flaking off in zone 3 and crystalising too. I used the Attraction clear and had no problems.
You may have hit the nail on the head there.... I'm using NSI Classic powders, it happens with the clear, natural or pink. It's annoying as i have to use these ones as the college said they woldn't be insured if i didnt (even though in their pricelist they state we use creative products... don't even get me started on THAT!)

Putting that aside, however, as i have only been training for 6 weeks, could there be an application error??? I'm more likely to believe i'm to blame to start with! LOL!!

Thanks to all for your help!!!
I'll go do a bead with the classic and the attraction clear right now and take a pic for you and you can see what i mean.

Wait right there lol


OK Pic there now, the one on the left is Attraction and the right hand one is Classic.

NSI Are discontinuing the Classic ranges, these are being taken over with the attraction range, I would check with your college, surely once you have finished training and cant buy classic you will have to use attraction???


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Hi Katrina,

I used only NSI products when I did my 1 year course last year. I found the exact same problem... and found that it was when the weather was cooler or the clients hands were really cold (I have heard of people using a warm heat bag under the clients hands, or a heater nearby). I know this probably seems strange coming from someone that lives in a mainly warm climate but winter did definately change how the product settled and filed off. I don't recall having the same problem with the attraction through, it always dried nicely.

I hope this helps :)


hi i use nsi and havnt seen anything like that happen before.
i use the attraction powders and up to now havnt had a problem with them, even with the change of temp from winter to summer,
i would seriously change to attraction powders.
hi,i use both attraction and classic powders from nsi and i cant say that ive had any problems with crystalizing at all.and as you have tried different mix ratios then i think i would phone nsi and explain what problems your having.they are so helpful and there number is also free! its 0500131009.if i had to guees then i would of said that maybe you're working to dry but you said that when you pick up a ball the powder is all wet so i cant think of why you are having this problem.i hope you solve it,good luck and hths.
When I was training I used NSI classic and had lots of problems with crystalisation especially with the clear powder. Exactly the same issue in zone 3 once I filed most of the zone 3 area came off. It was so frustrating :mad:. I would guess that the classic range may be suceptable to cold etc and also the fact that I had perhaps not managed to get the ratio right. I now use and love the attraction range and have never had any probs with this since.:)
On the day that I first had the problem I asked a geek on msn and they suggested sitting the monomer in a bowl of warm water, I did this and it made no difference. I am beginner to wonder if there is a bad batch of classic powder out there.
I'll go do a bead with the classic and the attraction clear right now and take a pic for you and you can see what i mean.

Wait right there lol


OK Pic there now, the one on the left is Attraction and the right hand one is Classic.

NSI Are discontinuing the Classic ranges, these are being taken over with the attraction range, I would check with your college, surely once you have finished training and cant buy classic you will have to use attraction???

This is exactly how it looks.... wow.. there's a lot of difference!

I'm so glad i'm not the only one having troubles - i was so concerned it was my application. Thank you sooo much everyone!!
You could order a trial Attraction kit from NSI, they are very cheap and try that out and see how you get on.:hug:
You could order a trial Attraction kit from NSI, they are very cheap and try that out and see how you get on.:hug:

I have done exactly that! excellent idea! Thank you!
I have done exactly that! excellent idea! Thank you!

You wont be disappointed!!!!! Maybe mention to the college that NSI wont be selling the classic powders soon and get some answers re your insurance.:hug:
My Attraction mini kit arrived, and i tried it on saturday, and i couldn't believe how different it was! it's like starting all over again with product control as i found it very different to use to classic, but no crystallisation or problems with zone 3!! the nails looked so much better and it's all thanks to you guys!! thank you soo much!!! :Love:
Glad you got it sorted now. Did you ask at college re the Classic powder and insurance?

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