buying at Excel


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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2005
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Am going to Excel, but only recently joined the industry.

Just wondering what you guys are hoping to buy or experience from the show?

I have a list a mile long of products & equipment I want to buy, but I also want to make the most of the show and gain all the experience I can.

As a newby geek what would you suggest I concentrate on? Really want to see it all, have booked a few Seminars but also want to buy products and look at demos.

Think I need a whole week there to get to see everything!
First and foremost - wear flat comfortable shoes..... trust me!

I'll be tarred and feathered for saying this but, take a small flight bag, the type with a long handle and wheels..... your hands will love you for it! Avoid people's toes and play deaf when they swear at you!

Try to stick to your budget, be strong, it won't be easy!

Take a compass!! I've only been to GMEX but I imagine Excel is just the same, if you find something you want to buy, don't come back for it cos if you're anything like me, you'll never find the stand again - even with the map!

Make a list of everything you want, have a little additional budget for things you never knew about before but just can't live without now and remember not to spend the mortgage money!

Don't be talked into buying things you don't want.

If you get the chance of having your teeth whitened for free - grab it! I didn't bother at the last show here in Dublin and have kicked myself ever since!

Make a note of who is doing foot massages and get in line just as the pain is becoming unbearable.

Be prepared to fight dirty for a seat in the dining area and don't be afraid to ask to share someone's table if there is a spare seat, you won't last the day if you don't have a sit down at some point. If you do end up sharing a table, pick your nose - that'll soon shift 'em! :wink2:

Take plenty of water with you, I seem to remember bottles of water were hugely expensive.

Wear something light and comfortable, it gets VERY hot in there, people have been known to faint, especially under the lights at the Creative stand (although Sam reckons it's him making them 'swoon'!). :cool:

I can't give you any tips on getting to the front at the demos because I've never managed it myself (except at the shows here in Dublin - great for looking around as they don't get anywhere near as crowded as the UK ones).

I seem to remember GMEX has a locker room you can put bags and coats in - if Excel has the same, it's worthwhile using it, you can store some of the
goodies you've bought and leave your hands free. I wish someone had shared this little snippet with me before my first show!

I'm just about out of useless information now but if I think of any more I'll post it.

Above all - enjoy your first show, you'll love it! Wish I was going. :cry:
What i did last year when i went to Excel, is i planned my route from the time i walked through the door, so i knew where i was going and what i was buying roughly from each place. I know its hard to do this, but if you do it, you will get everything you are after, then have time for seminars and watching demo's. I'm sure they have a cloakroom faciltiy there so buy your stuff then store it so you have your hands free.

Take a packed lunch with you and water as Jackie says as they charge extortionate rates for anything you need there. Plus you won't waste time queing for food and drinks.

Excel i would say is very well planned out and quite easy to navigate most of the time. but when you get into demo's etc, you do find that when you want to go to the next place, you are probably going to be a little lost as to what direction is what. I know i was.

Good luck and enjoy, you will love it.
I hope this wins 'THREAD OF THE WEEK' , Jackies answer was spot on!!!!!
Comfy shoes, trolley case, a credit card and oh yeh, a lot of willpower :lol:
And if you bring your partner remember - He will ooh and aah for the first hour THEN he will get bored! The last Excel show also had a playstation show going on at the same time, what a Godsend!
JackieMc said:
First and foremost - wear flat comfortable shoes..... trust me!

I'll be tarred and feathered for saying this but, take a small flight bag, the type with a long handle and wheels..... your hands will love you for it! Avoid people's toes and play deaf when they swear at you!
Having seen someone step backwards and go flying over one of those things at my very first show... it put me right off them but, better still, I have another tool in my box of tricks... a partner :wink2:

If you partner is willing to be dragged around all day, carry for you, and go load up the car as you watch a demo, hold your place in the queue while you go get that 'must have' you forgot, then drive you all the way home as you rant & rave about who/what you've seen, theres nothing to beat it.
Dont feel cheap taking your own sarnies either, food queues are more horrendous than the prices!

I have found that arriving as the place opens is best. Around mid day the place will be heaving and quietens a little just before the close.
Just because youre new dont be shy to dive in any spaces you see at the demo stands. At my first show I missed an opportunity to have a demo nail by Anthony Buckley because I was 'shy' and kicked myself all the way home!

Think thats it as Jackie pretty well covered eveything.
...OOOh! say 'hello' to anyone wearing a Geekbadge or t.shirt. We love to meet up thats the whole idea of peeps wearing them! :biggrin:

well what can i had some fantastic advice already! :lol:

what i would say is don't be taken in by some of the twaddle that some stands go on about to get you to buy their products!

Go watch the demos of reputable well known company's and you will learn loads and don't be afraid to pester them with loads of questions they love it or they wouldn't be demoing! (i recommend creative for Sam's L+P smile lines, biosculpture for natural overlays and gorgeous colored gels, Ezflow for the 3d L+P and amazing boogie nights collections just a few suggestions)

I really wish i could go to excell but its too far for me. I bet the geek lounge will be wicked so you go girl and have a great time. (ps worry about the credit card bill later :wink2: )
pmsl at jackie but she is bang on
RedAdmiral said:
And if you bring your partner remember - He will ooh and aah for the first hour THEN he will get bored! The last Excel show also had a playstation show going on at the same time, what a Godsend!
if your partners get bored just point them in the direction of the spray tan demo's and i will guarantee he will want to come to every show :wink2:
joannerowsell said:
if your partners get bored just point them in the direction of the spray tan demo's and i will guarantee he will want to come to every show :wink2:

That made me :lol: Joanne, you're absolutely right !
joannerowsell said:
if your partners get bored just point them in the direction of the spray tan demo's and i will guarantee he will want to come to every show :wink2:

PMSL Joanne! :wink2:

K x
joannerowsell said:
if your partners get bored just point them in the direction of the spray tan demo's and i will guarantee he will want to come to every show :wink2:

LMAO..... now why didn't I think of that??? Great idea Joanne! :lol:
I am going also, I take it because I have not had my conversion yet with creative I will not be able to buy any of the chemical products? Do you need to take any other ID with you other than your pass??
joannerowsell said:
if your partners get bored just point them in the direction of the spray tan demo's and i will guarantee he will want to come to every show :wink2:

So So true!! :lol:

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