Nails at Home
Well-Known Member
I need more help and advice from my new pals thanks to this site! I've been sending myself mad :twisted: when it comes to charging friends and family to do their nails. I absolutely could never charge my mum or sister (sister doesn't have them done anyway! 8) ) but I've not been charging my best friend either who has hers done regularly. When I first did them she did ask me how much she owed me and I told her I could never charge her . I've now started using Bio Sculpture gel though and it's not the cheapest gel in the world so only today I've asked if she has these could she cover my costs of which I've worked out at about £6. Anyway, she's offered £10 and I've said this is fine. I still hate to take anything off her though as we go back so far and are so close. I've been giving other friends (but not so close ones) a discount too of around 25 percentish. The thing is I've got an ad going in a local paper this week and hope to get lots of new clients (have already got quite a few) and as I work full time and only do this part time I only have evenings and weekends to take appointments . I'm worried that I'm going to have to turn down full paying customers in order to fit in the friends but can't ever see myself being able to charge them full price . Oh, I'm cutting myself up about this so much and don't know what I should do :huh: . How do you guys deal with this??