Check this out...fine for offering drinks


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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2007
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Allerton Rd. Liverpool
Just read in the Telegraph that salons are being targeted by "jobsworths", yet again.

Salons to be fined up to £20,000 for serving seasonal drinks to customers!! how nuts is that?

One good thing that I have discovered to get us out of paying the CPS for a music licence :). Check out this site
its called royalty free radio. Its the way I am going to be playing music in my salon from now on as I am sick to death of paying through the nose for everything.
Pathetic - the Fun Police strike again. Where is their Xmas spirit?
Well I suppose any way this government can claw in some revenue, they will attempt.

And don't let's forget, these people are bureaucrats, paid by The State ( us actually, indirectly ) and all they've had to do is sit on their bums and be pen-pushers. They don't know what it's like to build a business from scratch and work long hours to make it work. And when it starts to do ok, at Xmas we'd like to thank our loyal clients and perhaps offer them a glass of wine while they have their treatment. But OH NO IT'S A CRIMINAL OFFENCE! shock horror! what on earth were we thinking of???

Surely they should invoke the spirit of the law and not the letter, and stop being so pedantic. Next thing the police will be waiting outside salons to breathalise clients before they drive home. . .
Its not illegal if your 'closed'! Otherwise you need a license. Open evenings are fine and don't require licenses.

Its not illegal if your 'closed'! Otherwise you need a license. Open evenings are fine and don't require licenses.


Just what I was going to say!! The offence is to serve alcohol to the public, if your salon is "closed" and you are not charging for the drinks it's just the same as offering a guest in your own home a drink.
Just what I was going to say!! The offence is to serve alcohol to the public, if your salon is "closed" and you are not charging for the drinks it's just the same as offering a guest in your own home a drink.
Blimey, I'm going to have to close my salon for 2 weeks prior to Xmas then. Thanks for that info!
Blimey, I'm going to have to close my salon for 2 weeks prior to Xmas then. Thanks for that info!

lol!!!! You don't have to close, but instead over the two week period put a sign up saying 'by appointment only' then your technically not open to the public.

Or serve non alcoholic wine or hot chocolate instead lol!

I have always served alcohol at christmas its ridiculous that we have to have so much red tape. So much for season of goodwill! Next you will be banned from serving mince pies without your food hygiene certificate or having change of use to a cafe haha!

If you get caught give them a glass of wine and sweet talk them lol!

Kate x
Just found this on the internet!

Dated: May 25, 2007 1:43 PM

If your salon doesn't have the right licences to serve food and drink, you could face a hefty fine.

Glass of Champagne?

It's great PR to treat your best clients to a little something extra from time to time. But before you reach for that bottle, be careful.

Without a drinks licence you'll be committing an offence under the licensing laws and you could end up with a hefty fine.

And this applies whether you are giving away the Champagne - or selling it.

Food For Thought

Some salons, such as Richard Ward's Hair and Metrospa in London's Chelsea, have armed themselves with the right licences to serve alcohol and take the provision of food a bit more seriously than most.

Hair and Metrospa has its own chef, who serves up anything from a club sandwich or grilled chicken caesar salad to tortilla wraps and hot dogs with tomato ketchup for children. The salon also sells house champagne by the glass as well as beer and wine.

Of the 1,000 clients that come through the salons doors each week, around two-thirds order something from the menu.

Clients at Nicky Clarke's salon in Mayfair can also purchase a range of food and drinks. The salon has a kitchen facility on site and a resident chef who prepares breakfasts, lunches and salads.

Most salons, though, offer a complimentary cup of coffee or tea, juices and water and, if required, will pop out to a local café for a sandwich if a client wants.

If you decide to do more than this, you must be aware that anyone handling food sold to the public needs to abide by certain standards of hygiene, which are laid out in the Food Safety Act 1990.

Contact your local environmental health officer for guidance, as staff involved with food production may have to complete a hygiene course.

Offering Alcohol

The issue of a drinks licence is far more complicated and the new Licensing Act stipulates that you need two licences to sell alcohol:

A Personal Licence - for the person authorised to sell the alcohol. Cost: £37
A Premises Licence - for the site. Cost: upwards of £100
Some salon owners get caught out over the fact you also need a licence to give drink away to your customers.

We spoke to a licensing officer with one local authority who told us: "If there's any suggestion that the alcohol being provided is linked to a sale, then a licence is needed."

So if you're giving customers a glass of free Champagne, then you're only offering it to people that are having a haircut, and that means it's linked to a sale, even if you're not charging them directly for the drink.

If anyone could come into your salon and have a free drink - in other words people who aren't buying a service - you could argue that the drink isn't linked to a sale, and that you don't need a licence, but you need to check with your local authority first.

You won't require a licence for a one-off occasion, such as an open evening or a party, if the people attending aren't there for a haircut. If it's a regular occurrence, you might need a temporary event notice.

The licensing officer we spoke to urged any salon owners to contact their local authority to clarify the position as various local authorities may interpret the law differently.

So what a salon in one area is allowed to do, may not be the same for a salon in another borough.

Food Hygiene: The Basics

Ensure staff always wear clean clothing and keep themselves clean when preparing food.
Hands must always be washed thoroughly - and in particular before handling food, before starting work, after using the toilet, after handling raw foods or waste and after every break.
You must be aware if staff involved with food preparation have been suffering from any skin, nose, throat, stomach or bowel trouble (including sickness or diarrhoea or an infected wound).
Staff are breaking the law if they don't tell you and they then prepare food for sale.
All cuts and sores should be covered with a waterproof, high visibility dressing.
Staff should avoid unnecessary handling of food.
No-one should smoke, eat or drink in a food room, and should never cough or sneeze over food.
Ensure food is not prepared too far in advance of serving it up - particularly salads and sandwiches.
Ensure that perishable food is kept either refrigerated or piping hot.
Keep the preparation of raw and cooked food strictly separate.
When reheating food, ensure it is piping hot.
Keep all equipment and surfaces clean. Clean up as you go.
Staff should follow any food safety instructions on food packaging.
More Information

For advice on food safety log on to the Food Standards Agency at; or visit Website of the UK government : Directgov for information about the licensing laws.

Tags: drink , food , Hellen Ward , licence , Nicky Clarke , Richard Ward This entry is in Legal Comments (0) Permalink



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YOIKES! Wow that's nuts! Where I used to work at ummmm let's say 20yrs or so ago.. we used to serve coffee spiked with: Bailey's Irish Cream or Kahlua, or Amaretto. We offered a selection LOL :lol:

I guess working from home has another added bonus.

I wonder how many will wind up paying the fines.
Thank the lord I live in a sensible country where people know how to live and enjoy themelves.

If they tried something like that out here the Spanish would say up yours and find a way around it!!

Take smoking. There are millions of places you can ... and milions where you cannot .. at least they left the choice up to the owners of the restaurants and bars ... so sensible it tells you on the door and if you don't want to smoke then you go elsewhere. At least people have the choice and not their freedom to choose taken away from them. :rolleyes:
At least people have the choice and not their freedom to choose taken away from them. :rolleyes:

I am beginning to find that all these lawmakers and citizens that want everything "PC" (politically correct) are taking things much too far these days and "basic rights" are flying out the window.
While I am a smoker that is quitting soon, I DO understand that non-smokers have rights too. I agree with what you posted above. I rarely go to restaurants now because of the non-smoking laws. I don't much care for stepping into the rain for an after dinner smoke while those I'm dining with are enjoying their drinks.

And if salons are "giving" the spirits and not selling them, I don't see the problem. It's a "gift". No different than offering christmas cookies or a free added service as a 'thank you for your business'. What next? Fining salons for giving away cookies because it takes business from the bakeries:rolleyes:? Or stores that give lollypops/suckers to children?

It's all gotten rather ridiculous and out of hand. I haven't heard of any such law arriving in Quebec yet..... but then.... we're chock-full of alcoholics :lol: and I can't imagine that the agencies have enough staff to polices all the salons.:lol:
We arnt allowed to sell wine at our school functions that are held by the parents association but we serve it and the parents pay £1.50 for a bag of crisps or a biscuit and get a glass of wine free...isnt that a good deal:).
We arnt allowed to sell wine at our school functions that are held by the parents association but we serve it and the parents pay £1.50 for a bag of crisps or a biscuit and get a glass of wine free...isnt that a good deal:).

Isnt that linked to a sale. As that website I found states we can't link it to a sale which is ridiculous.

I Just prefer to make the salon appointment only then its private and not open to the public.

Wonder how much more british people including business owners will take off the government before revolting!

Isnt that linked to a sale. As that website I found states we can't link it to a sale which is ridiculous.

I Just prefer to make the salon appointment only then its private and not open to the public.

Wonder how much more british people including business owners will take off the government before revolting!


Its probably not allowed at all but you will probably find every school or scout group etc etc in the country does it and has done for years.Hopefully they know this but let charities get away with it,it would be bloody mean if they didnt wouldn't it, but then of course sometimes they are just that.
They ought to concentrate more on people bringing alcohol and cigs in from abroad and running an illegal business on it ...and they are often also claiming benefits.
Its probably not allowed at all but you will probably find every school or scout group etc etc in the country does it and has done for years.Hopefully they know this but let charities get away with it,it would be bloody mean if they didnt wouldn't it, but then of course sometimes they are just that.
They ought to concentrate more on people bringing alcohol and cigs in from abroad and running an illegal business on it ...and they are often also claiming benefits.

Yup theres deffo less red tape in the black market lol! I would get less of a fine/telling off being a prostitute who dosnt charge VAT or pay Tax and claiming unemployment benefit than if I made a small error in my business!!

Its like being a child and getting told you can't have or do something!
Well the government have to find a way of pulling back in taxes after reducing VAT by a whole 2.5%! :eek:

I think it's ridiculous!
Yup theres deffo less red tape in the black market lol! I would get less of a fine/telling off being a prostitute who dosnt charge VAT or pay Tax and claiming unemployment benefit than if I made a small error in my business!!

Its like being a child and getting told you can't have or do something!

I think the more illegally you run a business and the more you don't abide by any of the laws,health and safety or tax or employing people the right way etc etc the more you seem to get away with it.Like the nss salons like certain food outlets,restaurants,cafes and other such businesses.
They only ever seem to target the ones where they think they might have more than half a chance of actually getting the fine money.
This story was highlighted in Radio Four's Today programme this morning.

They had a council official from Norwich Council being interviewed - and talk about BACK PEDALLING! He couldn't dismiss the story ( about them sending undercover 'enforcement officers' round to city centre salons ) soon enough. You could tell he was a right PR man, desperate to make the council not sound like Scrooges at this time of the year. John Humphries really had him on the ropes!

So hopefully we'll hear no more about it now. . .

But to be on the safe side, I'm serving Bucks Fizz so I can pass it off as orange juice in case the long arm of the law drops into my salon.
bloody hell you can't do anything nowadays LOL!!

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