its a bit of a knack and the ingredients are sometimes hard to find.
- the dry ingredients are citric acid and bicarbonate of soda
- the decoration is dried flowers
- the liquid is either rose/lavender/orange blossom water or witchazel
- the aroma is essential oils
- the moulds are eitehr professional moulds or ice cube trays for minis
To make:
1 tablespoon citric acid
3 tablespoons sieved bicarb
Mix together
Add 6 drops of chosen essential oil(s) eg ylang ylang and bergamot (3 drops of each)
Mix in well to prevent clumping.
Using a small spray bottle - spray 2-3 times into dried ingredients and mix well.
Repeat this action until the mixture JUST clumps together and looks like DAMP (not wet) sand.
It is very important that you do not add the liquid to fast, and that you do not add too much liquid, otherwise your bomb will start to expand and you won't be able to get it out of the mould.
Once you have desired consistency, place a small sprinkle of corresponding dried flowers in the bottom of the mould, I also add some heart table confetti (about 5).
Add the bomb mix to the mould and PRESS IN firmly. Press in again (the aim is to get a really smooth firm bomb, their will be no air bubbles, gaps in it, so pressing firmly is vital. (I go back and do this 3-4 times in the next hour).
Level the top off so its smooth and leave for 12-24 hours to firm up. Turn out of mould and package up.
(it is not necessary to put one bomb on top of the other, the fashion now is to have a single bomb).